Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Counting 1 to 100

One thing good about playing the Wii game is that there are points when you score and another avenue for Rayyan to learn numbers! From Wii he knows the numbers 50, 100, etc...

One day he was asking me to count to 100 with him. For the record he can count from 1 to 20 already.. although he always confuses himself when it comes to 15 and 16... so when I told him I wanted to hear him count to 100, he began counting... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, (I always interrupt at this point to correct him) 17, 18, 19, 20, 100!!!

At that time we were busy with our kuih raya business ( ) and knowing kids... he would show off his new skill of counting to 100 to everyone... even to our kuih raya suppliers sampai diorang kata "waaahh bagusla macam ni.. senang kerja kitorang.. takyah buat kuih banyak-banyak.. cepat je sampai 100.." hahaha

Then, we started counting together... I would count and let him follow... usually in the car whenever we wanna go somewhere and he starts to get bored... so now, orally, he can count to 100.. but he has no clue as how the numbers look like from 21 to 99.

Yesterday I printed out the numbers from 1 to 100 at the office and brought home. Once home he was so excited looking at the sheets and immediately started counting... Atok, Felishia and Afnan (Felishia's bf) was also there...

Then, they asked him to count in Malay... he used to know it well but then bila dah lama tak cakap Melayu.. habis berterabur... satu, dua, tiga, empat, tujuh, lapan, sembilan, sepeluh, sebelas, dua belas, tiga belas, empat belas, lima belas, six belas, seven belas, eight belas, etc...

Macamana ni??? hahahaha

If you guys are wandering, recognizing numbers from 1 to 100 is the last item on the KBSR Year 1 Math Curriculum.