Thursday, October 09, 2008

It's a GIRL! It's RAYHANA!

Alhamdulillah... syukur nikmat. It's a pair now, Rayyan & Rayhana. How's this for an intro photo with the change of the blog title now: RAYYAN & RAYHANA

Rayhana's birth stats:

Rayyan's birth stats:

Date of delivery: 01/07/04
Time of delivery: 1406 hrs
Sex: Boy
Weight: 3.5 kg
Length: 49 cm
Head circumference: 35 cm
Type of delivery: LSCS (ceaser ler tu)
Obstetrician: Dr. Huam
Pediatrician: Dato' Dr. Azizi

Azra Rayhana, held by her nenek... couple of hours after delivery...

Rayyan's gift#2 for Rayhana... her very own "Birthday" balloon... his gift #1 is at home..

She stayed pretty much quietly with her eyes closed the whole day, until this guy came along and sang...

suddenly, she was awake and constantly looking for the source of that sound.. and she stayed alert everytime she hears Rayyan's voice the whole night... aaaah.. how nice.. their first bonding experience... hehehe

Alhamdulillah again that everything went smoothly although there were some "gory" moments in the OT with the clamping, tying, pulling, stretching, squishing... (macam bonding experience jer..) hahaha I wish they would allow to bring in the camera... but Dr Azizi the Medical Director has directed that no doctor should allow anyone to take pictures during an operation.

So, all in all... relieved that everything is fine now.. hopefully to be discharged on Friday.

Always wanted to have at least one child of each gender... alhamdulillah... alhamdulillah... alhamdulillah.. I can never be thankful enough.... and now my next wish... TWINS!!!

More pics on my facebook photo album... :)


Mom-On-The-Loose said...

Congratulations!!! woooo mane aci, kitorang dah balik baru nak celik!! tak pe, will get to know her better nanti kan??

again, congratulations to both you and Ja, hope baby and mom recovers soon!!

oh and you guys better come up with a nickname soon or Anaz just might go on calling her 'ella, ella, ella!!' :P

Nana said...

hahahahhahahahahhahahah!!! can imagine anaz singing that tune to Rayhana!


TWINS??????? WHAT?????? you tengok tak bini you tu besar mana?????????? cis! senang2 aje nak wish! hahahahahhahahah!

shake said...

haha.. it seems everybody is going umbrella... hahaha

wish je nak twins.. nice to look at, nice to hold, once terberanak.. considered terkangkang...

hehe.. the only reason why I wish for twins is so that I can have 4 kids with just 3 pregnancies.. hehe kesianla kat Ja...