Monday, April 23, 2007

The Sungai Congkak Trip

Sunday: April 22, 2007. The company I just joined since last month organized a picnic somewhere near Sungai Congkak (Congkak River).

Me, Ja, and Rayyan went. Had to wake Rayyan up at 7.00am since we were supposed to meet up with the rest of my colleagues at the office by 8.00am.

We hyped Rayyan up about the trip since the day before and he was excited to the fact that we're actually going to be "swimming" in the river. He never had this experience before. So much so that he decided not to sleep with Nenek that night, like he normally does every night before I pick him up while he's sleeping.

So off we went. Didn't have to pack any food... 'coz everything is being settled by my colleagues.

There were about 10 cars with more joining the group as we settled at this one private picnic site called "Lubuk Manggis", somewhere near Sungai Congkak Recreational Picnic site.

It was clean, well kept, and the water was sooo cold. As much excitement that he had to the idea of being in the river, I think the freezing water set him back. So he just settled on the picnic mat we brought and enjoyed the view while me and a few of my office mates tried to set the bbq fire.

We had lamb and chicken barbecue. Some of us brought fried mee-hoon and fried rice, sardine sandwiches, etc.

Rayyan then decided that it was okay for him to go back into the water and have fun. We did have fun... Check out these pictures taken by Ja...

After playing in the water for a good 20 minutes, time was up for him. No more water... hmm.. no more water? We'll see...

This hut was rented at RM10. Cool place for us to put our bags, change, and provide shelter when it rained briefly.

No more water, you say? Here's a thirsty fellow after playing in the river...

And again....

And again...

Well.. that wraps up our report on this trip...

...and to Aunty Felishia in London at the moment.. a belated happy birthday wish to you.. and we'll soon see you there!


Anonymous said...

thankiew thankiew.. i'll be waiting for u, ja and ryan's arrival in london!! kiss ryan for me.. much love from aunty felishia ;)

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Tengok duit dulula.. hahaha.. the other Ryan got some coins in his hand... pastu dia kata..

Ryan: Papa jom kita pi airport!

Papa: Nak buat apa?

Ryan: Ryan nak pergi London.

Papa: Ryan ada duit ke?

Ryan: Ryan ada duit (showing his coins). Jom kita pergi airport. Ryan nak masuk duit kat airport.

Papa: Masuk duit kat airport buat apa?

Ryan: Ryan nak beli tiket. Nak naik aeroplane. Pergi London.

Me and Ja laughed our heart out. LOL!