Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our R & R


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Rayhana is known by the security guards at our condo as BULAT. Every morning, as she and Ja walk past the guards towards Ja's car on their way to the nursery, the guards always say "Hi Bulat!" :)

Everytime I walk pass the guards dengan Rayyan pun diorang dok tanya "Bulat tak ikut?" hehe

And Rayhana pulak, calls the guards UNCLE BULAT! hehe secara kebetulan memang ada sorang yg bulat pun.. hehe

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mak Nenek

Lagi sebulan setengah nak masuk 2 tahun... tapi mulut.. masyaAllaaahh... macam mak nenek!! :)

Nasib baik la belum tahap berleter-leter... but the comments that come out from her mouth.. hehe kita tengah naik darah nak marah pun boleh bertukar jadi senyum...

She loves following what Rayyan does. She is known as the tape recorder/player... asyik ulang balik apa yang Rayyan or anybody cakap...

Alhamdulillah since the age gap is about 4 years, Rayhana learns a lot faster by following whatever Rayyan does..

She's already counting up 1-20, counting down 10 to zero, baca doa makan sendiri, baca doa naik kenderaan with little help, etc..

Her favorite thing to do is menulis... just give her a pen and a paper and she will be occupied for some time... and yup, for the time being she can still scribble with both hands.. we still couldn't figure out if she's truly right-handed or a lefty..

Sekarang ni budak ni tengah wheezing... last week went to see Dr Azizi. Baru habis prednisolone course, so continue lagi with clarytine and antamin and the antibiotic. The batuk still ada phlegmy sound lagi... hingus dah nak berenti dah.. demam takde so far alhamdulillah...

Monday, August 23, 2010


Rayyan's 2 front teeth dah longgar punyala lama.. nak dekat sebulan ke dua bulan dah... tak jatuh-jatuh jugak... so last Friday, si Felishia & Afnan tried to play around with one of the teeth, trying to longgar-longgarkan lagi so boleh cabut... punya lama sampai nak dekat pukul 2 pagi, tak cabut-cabut jugak.. at that time I was repacking some kuih raya..

When I was done, I went to them and tried being a dentist pulak.. while Felishia & Afnan pegang si Rayyan, ngangakan dia, I tried to remove the tooth from the gum as slowly as possible... kalau ikutkan hati nak sentap je.. hehe

So dipendekkan cerita, gigi tu tercabutlah di tangan saya....

And then, on Saturday, at the Residence Hotel buka puasa thingy, he was playing around with his cousins when one of them suddenly tertumbuk muka dia.. hahaha terus gigi yang lagu satu longgar gila2 sampai Rayyan sendiri boleh tarik and cabut...

So there you go... 2 teeth in 2 days...


Sunday, August 22, 2010

How's everyone's Ramadhan so far?

Not too bad for me.. you? Not too bad for Rayyan too.. in fact he has fasted more days than Ja! hehehe satu hari je dia tak puasa so far.. the day that it got me really mad at him (mad olok-olok je, although terkilan gak).

Today masa sahur tadi tetiba I found his nose was bleeding masa tidur.. the whole sahur time Ja was pinching his left nose to stop the bleeding while he was sipping on a glass of water and munching on 2-3 pieces of coco cruch. Ingatkan nak tengokla if today he's okay to puasa.. kalau tak pun by lunch time I would ask him to buka.. but mamat tu sampai now 4.40pm pun okay je macam biasa.. so okayla kot.. insyaAllah he can puasa full day again today...

Last night we had our buka puasa at Residence Hotel @ Uniten... makanan dia fuh semangat.. macam ada the whole pasar Ramadhan kat situ and I told Rayyan that you can just take anything you want... it's all FREE!!! hehe Ja's brother belanja all 30+ pax of us at RM63 per pax, less few bucks each for warga emas, and 2 free pax.

Thw food selection was great.. there was even durian, manggis, langsat, rambutan, etc all you can eat!! And then masa dah nak2 time desert tu ada pulak basikal "kacang putih" dok bunyi loceng buat round the whole dining area... mintak je nak kacang apa, dia bagi.. hehe it's all part of the deal...

Kambing ada, ayam panggang, kerang and ikan bakar, sup gearbox, murtabak/roti canai, laksa Johor, nasi ayam, kebabs, nasi and a wonderful range of lauk-pauk which I tak amik pun sebab takut kekenyangan before eating all the other good stuff they had.. hehe ABC ada, ice cream ada, teh tarik, air tebu, air soya, air macam2 lagi, dim sum, burger/hotdog, meehun sup, kuey teow, mee, cakes, kuih-muih, apam balik yang nipis tu, putu piring, putu bambu, chocolate fountain fondue, fuh.. marvellous!! alhamdulillah... :)

Rasa macam nak pergi lagi bulan posa ni... amacam? sapa nak join? JOM!!! hehe

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kuih and all...

Too many things on my mind right now, too many things to do, too much stuff to be spent on but not too much money in the pocket to start with! Pening!

Alhamdulillah, things are looking to pick up well, business wise, but in order to move forward, lots of money and investments need to be done.

Even the kuih raya business, I could not help in providing the start-up capital this year. We pay cash to the suppliers who make the kuih, and since this year we had lots of new customers, new agents, I think we have invested in a hefty sum just giving out free samples to people. It's all Ja's hard earned money...

So far, nampakla hasil dia, our sales so far has surpassed last year's sale. In fact this year we have started to hire my brother Fizrul to be our assistant.. haha paying even more than what my dad is paying for working for him :) That, at least takes off some burden off our shoulders, with Ja's job (did I mention she just got a 25% salary increase, which means more responsibility!! tu belum masuk more increment later as everyone in the company is up for salary adjustment..), my business, 2 kids, parents staying next door, puasa month, and a "thriving" kuih raya business to concentrate on at the same time.

Thank God for the kuih raya business, adala duit sikit nak guna bayar credit card sana sini, nak spend for my next business trip, etc... and the opportunity for me to borrow some money from Ja.. hehehehe

Selamat Berpuasa!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

SK Taman Megah

Mentioned earlier about the call I received from SK Taman Megah saying that Rayyan was accepted into the school. Syukur alhamdulillah... I thought we would be rejected sebab Rayyan's application was #169. They will only accept a maximum of 160 students.

So when the school called that afternoon, I was having a meeting at IKEA... terus kata I will be there petang tu jugak nak confirm/acknowledge the acceptance by bringing the birth certificate.

So petang tu, I asked Rayyan to tag along. He was happy to see his future school. Met the headmistress Mrs Khoo at the office. She asked Rayyan a few questions, Rayyan seperti biasa, malu nak jawab.. jawab pun softly... and the HM, knowing that I'm a book publisher, suka hatila dia.. siap kata nanti you can help the school.. hehe.. insyaAllah..

I knew SK Taman Megah is a good school, but I didn't know exactly how good it was. Every achievement they got, they wrote it on the wall leading to the school entrance. Cool idea!

Some of their achievements:
1. Ranked 25 out of 7617 primary schools in Malaysia
2. Best UPSR result in PJ
3. National champion in Public Speaking
4. 1st in Enopi Maths Olympiad
5. 1st Runner-up Selangor Tennis Championship
6. 2nd and 3rd in Selangor's English Story-writing competition
7. Other Robotics, Gymnastics, Figure skating, other district-level, state-level, national-level sports achievements...

alhamdulillah la Rayyan got to be in this school.. at least being around interacting with the kids in this school would perhaps develop his thinking the way I wish it should be from a public school...

So the school is about 5 mins drive away from our house. Not too bad. Easy for Ja to send him off and go to her office through the Damansara toll to Port Klang. So next year I kena hantar Rayhanala pulak.. hehe

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Selamat Berpuasa...

Selamat berpuasa to all... last night was Rayyan's first "terawih" experience. Not too bad.. baru lepas Isyak dah mengantuk gila2. His eyes were closed while leaning on the glass door... pastu tetiba bila dah start nak sembahyang terawih, dia segar balik.. although right after every 2 rakaats he kept asking "how many more rakaats after this?"

The Upin & Ipin influence truly helped him go through the whole terawih experience.. kalau tak, lepas Isyak tu dia dah nak ajak balik dah... I kept saying that Upin & Ipin can do it.. so can he! lol!

After terawih, while walking home from the mosque his Atok suggested him to write about his first terawih experience (10.08.10) on his computer... which gave me an idea to probably let him start his own entry in this blog soon..

Pagi tadi was his first "sahur" experience with the intention to puasa.. Upin & Ipin puasa, so dia mestila puasa kan?

Ni dia aksi-aksi Rayyan bersahur... :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A call that I wanted to hear... :)

Just got a call from the primary school I applied for Rayyan.. Rayyan is accepted there!!! Takut gila kot2 tak accept ke etc coz he was #9 on the waiting list. Alhamdulillah....


Sunday, August 08, 2010

Just Got Back from Melbourne...

Went there Sunday night, arrived Monday morning, returned on Friday at 00:45 and arrived back at the LCCT at 7am Friday. All in all I only spent 3 sleeping nights in Melbourne. Kejap gila..

Anyways, never intended for anything except for attending 2 business meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday. So kalau dapat jenjalan tu kira bonus la...

Fortunately one of my MRSM classmates, Barchunx & his wife just migrated to Melbourne in February this year.. so managed to meet them and the kids.. even spent the last night at their place so I could get to the Great Ocean Road and see the 12 Apostles as early as possible so it would be enough time for me to catch my flight home that midnight.

Overall it was a fruitful trip. I got the info what I wanted from the meetings, and that would save me lots of money by making ill-informed decisions.

Balik je from Melbourne on Friday morning, I took the shuttle bus from LCCT to KL Sentral, took the LRT to Kelana Jaya, and the cab home. Picked up Rayyan at 11.30, waited for Ja to come home for a brief lunch, and then I was off to PWTC to visit the Printing Solutions exhibition.. pastu balik terus penat.. hahaha

Melbourne pics ada kat Facebook.. will upload some here, especially the 12 Apostles photos.. :)