Friday, September 14, 2007

Papa Got Tagged!!

Hehe.. Got tagged by Aunty Nana (hehehe.. from the sound of her name, one could imagine a cute 180 pound elderly Italian woman serving me delicious platter of cheesy lasagna, pasta in marinara sauce, feeding me till I'm fit enough to be her next ingredient). LOL!

Aunty Nana or just plain "Nana" as Papa & Mama and other friends of hers call her, is a longtime friend of Papa... we go back 15 years... Nana & Mozard (hubby) are proud parents of Yana & Zafier. 180 pounder? Nope, definitely not, although I'm sure she would want Mozard beef up to 180#... hahaha

Anyways, she was tagged earlier in her blog. And now she just tagged me to respond to list the following...

1. 5 things in my handbag
2. 5 things in my wallet
3. 5 favorite things in my bedroom
4. 5 things I wish to do
5. 5 people I would like to tag

So here's my response...

1. 5 things in my handbag
Papa doesn't carry a handbag... but let's check what's inside Mama's handbag... hehehe.. Mama has...

a. Car keys
b. House keys
c. Handphone
d. Lip gloss
e. Purse

2. 5 things in my wallet
Lemme go and get it... okay.. lot's of stuff.. cards most of 'em.. besides the compulsory MyKad and Driver's License...

a. My Missouri Driver License. Expired March 11, 1999. Still keep it. Very nostalgaic.. lol! Love the hair! And see how skinnny my face was?

b. Credit cards and ATM cards.. cards that suck out money

c. MPH Reader's circle card... hehe my ticket to read books for FREE!

d. Bonuslink & TESCO Clubcard.. collecting points while shopping for neccessities

e. My favorite... Rayyan's Ronald McDonald Kids Club Card

For only RM3 per year, I get...

* FREE 1 small french fries OR 1 vanilla sundae cone with any RM3 purchase in a single receipt (Me 1 receipt, Ja 1 receipt, Rayyan 1 receipt... hehehe)

* FREE 1 sundae OR 1 Apple pie OR 2 Vanilla sundae cones with any 2 Happy Meal purchases in a single receipt

* 10% discount on food & drinks for any McDonald's-organized birthday parties

3. 5 favorite things in my bedroom
a. My laptop

b. My computer monitor ('coz Rayyan spoilt the laptop screen.. so I have to connect my latop to the monitor.

c. My RM700+ "Akemi" bedsheet/comforter set (hehe.. we bought it for only RM170 during Jusco's promotion at One Utama)

d. My squeaky queen-sized bed... (it may be squeaky, but it serves its purpose... the louder the squeak, the happier I am in the bedroom... lol!)

e. My bed buddies... Ja & Rayyan.. sometimes we switch partners amongst ourselves...

4. 5 things I wish to do
a. Make more money, work much less

b. Travel the world

c. Publish my music

d. Make more babies and not to worry about the money involved

e. Working out more to shed 15kg of fat

5. 5 people I would like to tag
a. N
b. O
c. O
d. N
e. E

There you go Nana! Sapa nak kena tag, bagi tau.. hahaha