Friday, January 04, 2008

Round, round...

It's been sooo looong that I last posted anything about Rayyan here.. blame it on Facebook!

Anyways, no pics to show... just a quick post on conversations we had with Rayyan last week.

So last week I was bored at home so I asked Rayyan if he wanted to go for a swim at the pool downstairs.. he said ok.. so Ja, me, Rayyan prepared oursleves, but as soon as we got down it was about to rain.. so we went to the playground instead..

After a couple of swings and slides, I wanted to bring Rayyan to see the tennis court which is 3 floors up. It's been 3 years I've stayed at Kelana Mahkota and never seen the court.

So me and Rayyan climbed up the stairs... mid-way.. Rayyan lostinterest, but I assured him he would enjoy once he got up to the court. And he sure did! Acting as if he was a pro tennis player he ran to the other side of the net and hit the air across... hehehe

After a few minutes, then we decided to come down..

As we were coming down the stairs.. these were his exact words...

"Papa, I'm getting dizzy!"

I answered smiling (chewah pandai gila anak aku speaking nih) "You're getting dizzy? I'm getting dizzy too!"

He then said, much to my surprise... "Oh, WE're getting dizzy!"

Then later that night, I told my parents about this conversation we had.. so my dad (equally impressed) asked Rayyan, "what is dizzy?"

And Rayyan said,

"My head.. round round..." (siap tunjuk dengan tangan how he felt)

That made my day!