Sunday, April 06, 2008

Rayyan in Roma

These are just some of the gazillion pictures for a start... stories will follow later...


Nana said...

wooot! bestnye .. jeles gila babs nye! sigh! Kalau lah i dapat ikut you all memang best.. nanti bila dah sampai london nanti habislah you I interrogate about the price of everything hahahahah

Cant wait to see more pictures. Rayyan look soo macho with the sunglasses.

shake said...

rome was fun.. we were a bit rushing.. but we've covered the wajib stuff on the open bus tour in a couple of hours.. Pisa was funner... and venice was even more funner hehehe.. more pics soon...

rayyan macho? hehe those sunglasses dah lama beli kat ikano.. and has been worn many times in Malaysia.. but only in Italy that everything can look so cool! hahaha

Nana said...

hahahah in Italy everything looks cool :D lawa gila ok gambar dia semua :D i just love it!!!

shake said...

hehe you ain't seen nothing yet.. I've got videos and more pics.. hahahaha

azwa,wa,wawie said...

i'm beyond envy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tak terkata siot

shake said...

hehehe.. kasi chan laaa.. dah 12 tahun tak keluar Malaysia... kahkahkah...