Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jalan-jalan & berenang

Yesterday night marked the first time Rayhana boleh berjalan more than 5 steps unassisted.. hehe, at 1 yr and 10 days old. (Rayyan started walking 2 weeks before his 1st birthday).

And of all places, she managed to walk masa orang dok sebok2 berkenduri and open house... kat rumah Nek Long dia... pelik betul.. dulu masa nak belajar meniarap... the first day she did it was when she was admitted kat DSH, on the hospital bed. :)

Yesterday morning also marked the first time Rayhana masuk swimming pool. Have promised Rayyan to go swimming since early of the week and that boy memang tuntut.. counting down every morning when he wakes up till yesterday... bila I kejut dia pagi2 at 8am, senangla pulak dia bangun and while dia jalan keluar bilik walking past me, he said "Papa, thanks for waking me up early"... hehe one thing I'm proud of this boy is his manners.. hehe forever being thankful and complimenting :)

Rayhana at the pool? Tak takut air langsung! She kept on splashing and splashing for about 15 mins or so.. pastu bila tangan dah kecut, we took her out.. dia meradangla, nak masuk balik... hehe sikit2 cukupla for now.. kang selsema balik kang susah pulak.. hehe

pics and video will follow soon.. nak sambung buat kerja jap :)