Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Maid, etc...

Yup... just got a new maid. Another Malaysian from the same agency 'coz we've already paid RM2k for the previous one that lasted only for a couple of months.... so they owed us a replacement.

Got her yesterday. So far, as always, looks rosy.. dunnola.. couldn't be bothered if this one lasts or not. But she had worked with her previous employer for 4 years before the couple had to pursue studies overseas. That's a good sign.. working for 4 years... She's married, husband died in an accident 3 years ago, 2 children 16 and 11, staying with her mom in Parit, Perak.

Lots of things happened yesterday...

Ja went for her thyroid checkup.. got to do a blood test to see of her hormones are alright. Results will be back in a week to show whether she needs supplements or not for hormone balancing.. sort of..

Ja brought Rayhana to the hospital too coz that girl has yet to receive the 12 month jab. She got the "3 serangkai" jab. Dr Musa postponed the chicken pox jab and her last dose of Pneumococcal jab till she is 15 mths old, which is in a couple of weeks.

Both of them went to the hospital in my dad's car. Nazri (my dad's staff) drove them there. I was suppose to pick them up later together with Rayyan for lunch and the Sri KDU trip.

On the way to pick them up, my car almost broke down. Felt like there were 100 guys inside the car.. berat/slow nak mampus.. tekan minyak pun bergegar-gegar je.. tak pick up speed.. alhamdulillah sempat sampai kat Proton service centre kat Petronas D'sara Jaya along the LDP tu.

It so happened that I went there to get the car serviced for our KB trip haritu. I told them that there was this problem, but not as bad the last time. They said banyak sangat carbon clogged.. dunno where.. I know nuts about cars.. I just drive them. So they unclogged the carbon, and it turned out okay.. drove all the way to KB and back without problems.

Semalam pulak buat hal.. similar problems, lagi teruk!

It turned out that they had to change the spark plugs and the spark plug cable! Somehow the spark does not connect thru the cable for the car to move... (yer ker?) haha

Got that changed and just got back the car today....

So, bila dah letak keta tu kat situ, I had to get Nazri pick me & Rayyan up from the Petronas and get Ja & Rayhana at the hospital, drove back home and switch into Ja's Kelisa and off we went to get Burger King drive-thru at Mutiara D'sara and makan dalam keta on the way to Sri KDU.

Sri KDU visit details in the next entry... :)

Happy New Year!