Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Maid Gone...

Another one... gone!

So I'm basically home-based 100% now till we get a replacement. That too, I dunnola... have been semi-home-based since this maid started work.. just to monitor how she worked..

..and just tell me how good a maid is if me, while working at home, can stop Rayhana from putting things into her mouth at least 3-5 times a day at the same time she was taking care of my daughter sorang ni...

Kalau macam tu cerita dia... what about the times when I had to go out to the office or meetings.. ntah apa benda ntah dah masuk dalam badan si kecik tu...


Nana said...

aisyioh! what lah they all ni! I think theres a syndicatelah .. bagi they all masuk lepas tu semua lari. yang pelik tu mana they all gi ni?

shake said...

this time it's the Malaysian maid... banyak songeh.. bab bekerja berkira sangat, bab nak cuti tak kisah pakai nak cuti je, orang tak bagi sebab dia baru cuti pun nak cuti jugak..

waiting for a replacement from the agency.. nasib baik the local agency bayar 2000 jer.. kalau ambik indon lagi mau 6k-8k now.. kalau indon tu lari, burn je ribu2 tu..

kalau boleh I don't want to hantar Rayhana to nursery... kalau dah besar sikit 3 tahun tu ok sikit.. at least any wrongdoings kat nursery tu dia boleh repot balik..