Friday, June 03, 2011

Primary school reunion after 25 years!!

May 28th, 2011 was the date where me and few of my primary schoolmates got together at Bora Asmara for a reunion after 25 years! We have had meetings before, but this time our some of our friends and teachers flew from every corner of the world just to meet up after 25 years!

That's Mrs Anne who came earlier than the rest.. my dearest teacher who was responsible for each of 52 students in her class to get 5A's in the Std 5 peniliaian exam. She flew in from Perth, with her own collection of photos.

I was one of the members of the committee who organized the event. It was a great success. It's not so much about the food, venue, etc... meething these people back after 25 years was awesome!

I had a really great 6 years of primary school. Lots of things I learned, joined, and played, but at the same time we excelled in our studies!

Just for the record, I played badminton, ping-pong, handball, netball.. hehe, batu seremban, lompat getah, bottle caps, blowing (and decorating) ice-cream sticks, paper race cars (similar concept to the ice-cream sticks), chopping, etc.

It was also there that I was introduced to Happy Family, Snap, Old Maid, Chinese Chess (which I was really good at), Cluedo, Risk, Scrabble, those "eight jet engines with afterburner" playcards, Figurine Panini sticker books, Kalkitos..

I also joined the tarian group, masuk tilawah competition, pertandingan bercerita (which I won for the whole of Std 6 in my session), was picked by the teacher to be the person who recited the Rukunegara for 2 years (std 5 & 6) instead of the head prefect doing it, etc.

I actively participating in school sports day, representing my Serigala (red) house in 100m, 200m, 4x100m (which we won gold!) and long jump (hehe macam Carl Lewis pulak.. hehe), etc..

Didn't get to become prefect (although I always wanted to), but finally became class monitor in Std 6. I was a librarian as well, the pioneer batch, where I had to act reading a book when the late Tunku Abdul Rahman came to officiate the library.

And I still remember clearly how I got 494/500 for the total score of all 5 subjects in Std 2 and still got number 8 in class, hence 3 strokes of rotan from my dad (for getting 3 numbers above the agreed benchmark).

We had fun in SRK Kampung Tunku :)