Monday, May 25, 2009

Rayhana Got the Chicken Pox!!

One of my biggest worries became reality... Rayhana got the chicken pox before getting her chicken pox jab that is due in another 5 months. She got it last Monday. How?

Here's the story...

We had to go back to Kota Bharu last Saturday (16/5/09) after receiving news that Ja's brother had to undergo a brain operation to remove blood clot after being unconscious while eating at KB Hospital while visiting his sister inlaw.

The hospital at KB could not do the operation and he had to be transfered to HUSM in Kubang Kerian which is just about 15-20 mins drive away. However, the wait for the ambulance took 10 hours. Once arrived at HUSM, the doctors there had to operate right away and one of the doctors there told me that when they received him, it was a bit late. (Salah siapa?? Is it too difficult to find 1 ambulance in Kelantan that it had to take 10 hours to transport an emergency case to another hospital that is just 15-20 mins away?)

Anyways, the operation had to be done at 2am on Saturday.

We reached KB at 6.30pm and couldn't see him at ICU 'coz visiting hours was from 5-7pm. So we went to see him the next day, Sunday.

We had to bring the kids along to the hospital 'coz I don't really trust the maid to be with both kids at home in KB since the maid has never been to the kampung before. Moreover, we were supposed to pick up Ja's brother at the airport in the afternoon, who had flown all the way from Bahrain. So we went to HUSM for the 1pm-2pm visiting hour slot and then planned to come again for the 5pm slot after we pick up Ja's brother from the airport.

The second trip to HUSM at around 6pm was the one I think caused Rayhana to get the pox. It was raining heavily, even the parking area was flooded up to my ankle. While waiting at the corridor of the ICU, we had to take cover.. everyone rushed to take cover... Rayhana got the "tempias" of the rain on several occasions...

Once we got back from the hospital, she started having a slight fever. The evening, her fever got to 38+C and we started seeing spots on her thigh and face. Went to Hospital Pakar Perdana emergency in KB (KPJ hospital) and the doctor could not confirm that it was chicken pox, so he just gave her the ubat buntut for the fever and advised us to come again the next day if more spots came out.

The next day, more spots came out. I insisted that we see a proper paed at the Perdana Hospital. Met the cool paed Dr Mazidah or something... very friendly, even better than most paeds at D'sara Specialist. She confirmed that it was chicken pox, and gave Rayhana antiviral medicine Zovirax (I think) to take 5 times a day, zovirax cream, and the Calamine lotion (which I later found out from D'sara Specialist that they - Dr Azizi & gang had banned this lotion to be used on kids with chicken pox).

How was Rayhana's condition? Look at these photos...

Spots on he arms, legs, chin, around the mouth, a little bit behind the neck, etc. By the third day, her fever was gone, and even more spots came out.

And how was Rayhana taking it? Look...

Macam takde benda jer.... she is being her usual self till now. Now all the spots have dried up, some peeled on their own... Orang kat kampung semua amazed at how she was taking it... tak nangis (only this one night when it was REALLY bahang that she cried... even we ourselves would have cried because of the heat)

Ja's brother passed away around midnight last Tuesday (malam Selasa). After the 3 night kenduri tahlil, we went home on Friday.


Nana said...

Inalillah ... I tell you bodoh gila ambulance tu!!! melampau ok. Kalau I ,.. I transport him myself!!! TU lah I think kalau I kena athma attack tu dulu kat malaysia memang sah I dah mati. What's the point of having ambulance!!!

Cian Rayhana... she look like Rayyan now!!!!

shake said...

tula masalahnya... kalau nak suruh ambulance datang from KL pun dah lama dah sampai...

eh what's this I read Mozard pun kena chicken pox??? budak2 tak kena kena ke? hehe satu dunia musim chicken pox kot... tengah2 sebok pasal babi, ayam pun nak join sama...

Nana said...

isk! you all tak mengamuk ke? I tell you the atrocities of malaysian services. isk!!

yup! mozard kena chicken pox. tu lah ayam2 ni semua tak boleh tak dapat attention langsung. but I read that spring memang musim chicken pox! Nasib baik mozard tak kena teruk sangat!

shake said...

pasal ambulance tu tak sempat nak ngamuk sebab by the time we reached KB dah 12 hours after the operation at HUSM...

how are the kids? tak kena campak ke? Ja's sister punya kids 11 mths and 2yo dah terkena from Rayhana. Yg 2 thn tu dah masuk 2 kali kena dah...

wa said...

so sorry to hear about ja's brother.
pass her my condolences

shake said...

ok wa.. thanks

Mom-On-The-Loose said...

Innalillah. Condolences to you guys. It's such a pity lah. But I don't understand what happened?? Your 1st para tu byk sgt while la Shake. Tak paham dibuatnye. explain pwease.

hope rayhana gets well soon. she looks so happy for a kid with chicken pox. Tak garu2 ke?? I remember it being damn itchy.

shake said...

actually cenggini...

Ja's brother drove his wife and his inlaws to see one of his sister inlaws giving birth at KB hospital. Masa tengah makan kat kantin hospital tu, dia terasa pening, pastu rasa macam tercekik, and then lenguh tangan, berpeluh... at that time dia suruh bini dia call all his adik beradik to come back... pastu dia tiba2 rebah...

he was brought to emergency at that hospital to check what happenned... they found that he had an abnormal blood vessel in the brain (many people have this) that had actually burst... so an operation was needed to remove the clot.

the operation could not be done at the KB hospital.. so he had to be transferred to HUSM. The wait for an ambulance took 10 hours...

lel said...

uhh dasyatnya chicken pox dia.
cepat2 recover okeh :)

shake said...

yaya.. si Rayhana ni kat kampung orang panggil dia kebal... hehe tak gatal, tak garu, tak nangis....

now Rayhana is recovering, the pox have dried and started to terkopek sendiri.. her face is clean, her arms dah nampak clean sikit.. only her legs je yang banyak dried spots.. still letak cream once in a while nak elak scar..