Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Standard 3 Class Photo

A former classmate of mine Ms. Fairuzia Natasya Salleh recently uploaded this amazing photo of our Std 3N class of SRK Kampung Tunku, PJ on Facebook. This brings back memories BIG TIME... that was some fun class... 26 years later, thanks to FB, many of us are connected again...

That's me... sitting, front row, extreme right. I wasn't sure that was actually me until people tagged me. That's how close we were back then... orang lain lagi ingat muka kita masa dulu-dulu.. hehe.. I myself can recognize about a third of them by name so far... I have no idea how some of these people look like now.. haha

This year alone I've caught up with Hasnul, Ike, Megat, Ilyas, Ilham, and Jason. Hope to meet the rest of the guys some day...

Sitting next to me is Megat Yusmar, now a pilot with MAS. There's Jason in the back row, also a pilot, with Etihad Airways, now living with his family in Abu Dhabi. A few girls in there, like Wai Cheng and Corinne are living in Australia. Hazleen, one of the guys standing in the back row, I heard is now one of the big guys of the Citi Group in Singapore.

Aaaahhh.. 1983... those were the days... where we didn't care whether we were Malays, Chinese or Indians.. we just had fun at school. LOADS of FUN! So much fun that PONTENG was never in our dictionary. Well.. we were Std 3 then.. but when we were in Std 5, Std 6... the fun was at school, playing with friends! And we scored too!

I'm still proud of the fact that the whole 52 of us in my Std 5 class got 5A's in our Penilaian Darjah 5 exam... that was something!