Monday, August 31, 2009

Busy Business Kuih Raya

No updates for sooo long...

Alhamdulillah Rayyan is OK. Demam dah takde since the day he was discharged from the hospital. For the past 3 days the phlegm dah takde... puas nak suruh dia cough so I could hear if there is any phlegmy sounds... so far takde.. alhamdulillah...

Sekarang ni busy giler with our Kuih Raya business. Go to

A new website, same old kuih raya, at least 50-60 new individual customers, a group of new agents, old agents keep on ordering, some agents not doing it for this year, but still order since their friends are pushing them to do it...

Alhamdulillah business semakin berjaya... nak kata untung semakin banyak, itu kena tunggu audit just few days before raya... hehe this year we are a bit generous with the agent comissions... so mungkin our nett profit kurang sikitlaa.. but if the sales pick up during these last week of ordering, insyaAllah the profit bertambah...

So far we have received orders up to 2,500+ bottles altogether, with an estimated 125,000 pieces of kuih raya. Banyak tu! Kalau untung 10 sen per piece dah dapat RM12,500!! Orders keep on coming in, as usual.. biasala org Malaysia ni suka order last2 minute... last date of ordering is 5th September 2009. Ni baru jer few people baru datang rumah nak ambik sample.. hehe

Nak kata ekonomi gawat... gila2 jugak orang Melayu ni belanja for Raya.. hehe

Special note to Wa/Anaz: wei... bila nak datang amik kuih raya korang? hehe dah tunggu tak datang2 pun... hehe


Nana said...

OoOooO bestnye! banyak lah duit raya korang tahun ni! save it!!! jgn beli apa2 .. nanti dtg UK wooo hoooooooooooo!!!!!