Saturday, August 08, 2009

Rayhana is 10 mths old today!

My little Kitty Kat turns 10 months old today... so far she does the following:

1. Tepuk tangan whenever we say "pandai" or we sing "pok amai2..." and waves her arms in the air when we say "rak-rak horay!!!"

2. Point to the lights and say "pbuu!"

3. Wave her hands bye-bye...

4. Angkat tangan macam nak doa when we ask her to doa...

5. Point with one finger to her head when she hears the Super Sleuth song "Think, Think, Think!"

6. Merangkak and picks herself up to stand when she reaches any object high enough...

7. Pantang tengok muka I... asyik nak dukung... but malam-malam boleh merangkak over my body to get to her susu cap gantung every night.

8. She will say "aaaaaaawaaaa" or something to that effect whenever she hears the azan on the TV.. mata tak berkelip tengok azan..

9. Tak takut makan ubat... in fact sometimes she wants more.. :) (pelik anak2 aku ni hehe)

10. She pats he knees following Little Einsteins and waves her arms in the air like the cartoon character does...

11. She hates her walker... kalau nak letak jer, dia dah siap kangkang luas2 trying not to get into it.

12. She hates kissing my cheek. Dia geli... hehe

13. She knows what a nose is as she points to ours when we ask her to..

14. She likes handbags (hahahaha) dia suka pegang and belek2 whatever bags dia boleh capai..

15. She loves being in the bathroom. She loves taking a shower. She loves playing with water.

16. She loves playing kejar-kejar with Rayyan, running in her walker.

17. She loves watching the cheapo nursery rhyme VCD.. in fact it is one of the ways to console her
whenever she cries for whatever reason...

18. She loves books.. and papers... haha with her books she loves to flip through and point to whatever there is on the page... with papers, she just loves to tear them up to pieces..

19. She still breastfeeds 40% of the time! Much to my delight! (Rayyan was only breastfed up to 4 mths after which the breast could not supply the milk he needed..)

20. She has 2 gigi atas, and 1 gigi bawah baru nak keluar. And because gigi bawah tu dah tumbuh, you can see her ketap2 gigi dia making unpleasant sounds to my ear...

21. She is a very fast learner!

22. Dia taknak kat orang unless you are around her for quite some time...

haha.. panjang gila list... stop sini je la... nanti Rayyan jeles pulak... haha

oh yeah forgot pulak...

23. She is VERY jealous kalau Rayyan nak bermanja dgn anyone of us... daripada jauh she would crawl towards us, making noise macam nak suruh Rayyan move away...

Happy 10 mths, Rayhana!
