Nak kata glad no maid around, ye jugak.. but the way she left tu yang kalau jumpa mau jer nak kena sumpah seranah... orang dah buat macam family, dia buat hal pulak.. lari tengah time-time cenggini...
..... kuih raya nak kena settle delivery, supplier kuih buat hal tak siap-siap kuih, nak kena ke hulu ke hilir rumah2 supplier only to get 2-3 bottles of kuih raya from the 20-30 promised.. habih duit minyak tu... and then I have to go around to do whatever stuff needs to be settled for my work... Ja pulak kena buat budget department dia... pastu balik kena monitor budget kuih raya pulak...
tak pasal2 laki bini tension, suara ditinggi-tinggikan to let out steam... nasib baik bila sorang tengah marah, sorang lagi cool... kalau dua2 marah, punah ranah rumahtangga disebabkan maid yang takde akal ni...
pasal makan minum Rayyan tak kisah... he's pretty independent.. boleh senduk nasi sendiri, get whatever he can get to eat as long as the thing is prepared on the table or within his reach... fruits ke, biskut ke, etc..
Rayhana ni yang kena tengok.. and be given full attention.. makan minum dia, kena masak... kencing berak dia... nak kena tidokan dia... and play with her to keep her company all the time coz she can;t be left alone... budak tu manja giler.. merengek je if no one's around, although masa tu tengah sebok with her play things...
tulaa... pasal maid ni.. diorang ni bila kita dah buat baik, macam family, tak sedar diri... take advantage of our kindness... memang diorang ni jenis yang tak boleh bagi muka... memang kena treat macam "orang gaji". Period.
Jangan pilih muda yang dah kawin. Muda yang belum kawin pun jangan. Ambik yang tua je, preferably yang tak kawin.
Bila time makan, jangan bagi dia makan kat dining table.. bagi dia makan kat dapur. Jangan borak2 dengan diorang. Jangan bagi dia panggil abang kakak.. suruh dia panggil Tuan/Puan. Kain baju diorang jangan bagi basuh pakai washing machine.... suruh diorang basuh tangan jer. Duit gaji jangan bagi. Simpan terus dalam akaun, pegang buku akaun, bagi allowance RM100 masa dia nak cuti jer. Cuti memang bagi sebulan satu hari.
Lantak la.. nak kata zalim, katalah... kita ni zalim sebab teraniaya...
But the best thing is having NO MAID at all... ni yang tak sabar so budak2 ni besar sikit. Can help out around the house. Rayyan boleh diharap sikit2 but he is the no 1 mess maker... yang lagi satu leceh.. basuh pinggan, basuh baju, mop lantai everyday... oh bukan satu.. 3 benda yang leceh... other than that, we might as well spend RM500 on a fun monthly weekend getaway relaxing in hotels anywhere within 100km radius.. malasla pulak nak travel jauh-jauh.. hehe..
tu tak kira duit beribu2 nak dapatkan diorang tu...
now next step.. report POLIS. Will do that after raya..
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Maid Lari Part 2
Posted by shake at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Maid Lari...
Sabtu lepas Ja hantar dia kat Subang commuter station as usual, for Rani's monthly 1-night break... she's supposed to come back Sunday, but could not be contacted since.
So sekarang ni it's me taking care of the kids in the morning, and Ja taking half day in the afternoon till Friday when all of us fly to Kota Bharu for Raya...
I don't understand la these people... you datang legally, pastu sanggup jadi buruan polis, for what??? tempat tinggal tak menentu, makan tak menentu, kebersihan tak menentu.. daripada sihat wal'afiat jadi sakit melarat...
Malas nak citer.. nak maki hamun pun ada... sabar jelaaa.. alhamdulillah...
Posted by shake at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
6th Anniversary
Today (8 Sept 2009) is our 6th wedding anniversary... as I mentioned on my FB status... dulu I tido sorang2 atas katil queen... fuh... best giler.. banyak space nak berguling2 ke kiri dan ke kanan... so much space, etc... now, 6 years later, I'm sharing a king-sized bed PLUS a single bed joint together, with 3 other people... but I'm enjoying every minute of it.... 4 is never a crowd in our bedroom... altho tak boleh la nak berguling ke kiri dan ke kanan... 'coz the only available space can only allow me to do ke atas dan ke bawah jer.. hehe
Saya cinta isteri saya, saya sayang isteri saya kerana menyempurnakan proses pemberian 2 anugerah Illahi sebagai amanah untuk diberikan kasih sayang dan segala yang cukup untuk menjadikan mereka insan2 yang berguna, insyaAllah. Saya juga berterima kasih kepada isteri saya kerana telah berjaya mendalami isi hati saya, tahan dengan perangai saya selama 6 tahun, oleh kerana pengalaman 6 tahun itu amatlah berguna sebagai orientasi untuk menahan perangai saya dalam tahun-tahun akan datang... hehehe
Eh, suddenly tersedar pulak.. next month, 8 Oct 2009, Rayhana will be 1 year old!!!! So fast time flies... I felt it was just couple of months ago when we were trying to look for either a "turtle" or the "hamburger" sign on Dr Susanna's monitor... hehe.. now she's already going to be 1!
Rayyan pun dah start counting the days to plan for Rayhana's party... every morning when he wakes up... "Papa, 31 more days...."... next morning, "Papa, 30 more days...", the same way he counted down the week masa dia tengah quarantine for that Influenza A thingy...
What are we planning for Rayhana's 1st birthday?
We have no idea... yet!
Posted by shake at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 04, 2009
Camera Un-Kaput
Tengah boring giler... now it's 3am. Have not been sleeping at the right times since Ramadhan started... just finished updating our family business's company profile to include the recent ventures my dad started in Kedah... all those lembu-lembu and bot-bot ikan... it's funny coz the bulk of the profile talks about how for the past 15 years we have been involved in book publishing and printing, then suddenly cerita pasal lembu and ikan.. hehe
Wa & Anaz came by just now amik kuih.. hehe and it's not actually for them pun.. hehe.. to Wa's friend.. Yan, is it? Enjoy your Mama Carries!! :)
Rayhana cried gila-gila tadi when Wa & Anaz came.. ingatkan the usual cranky-ness pasal baru bangun tido at 9.30pm, but then bila check, her private part merah and membengkak.. not too sure it was nappy rash 'coz it was not "rashy"... but we applied the nappy cream jer.. tengok dulu kalau tak okay nak kena bawak jumpa doctor la.... alhamdulillah after some time she is okay.. sempat main-main finger ala "E.T." dengan Anaz & Wa sambil senyum-senyum malu.. haha
Rayyan just slept at 2.30am... mamat ni susahla.. will never sleep kalau I tak sleep...
Lately, since I brought my work PC home, he has been bugging me... "Papa, are you going to throw your small computer (home laptop) away? Give it to me!" hahaha.... I'm contemplating on buying a new laptop for my work and yeah.. maybe I'll just let him share the old one with Ja.. hehe...
Tgh dilema sekarang ni... kalau ada RM3k.... nak beli iPhone ke or a new laptop? iPhone is soooo the in-thing now, and yeah, I need it to help me better at "organizing my thoughts"... but the laptop is sooo gonna make me enjoy doing my work more.... hmmm....
.. and I'm still waiting for a new fund to come in for a job that I almost complete... that is huge! now, maybe THAT can fund my iPhone.. hehe..
I'm planning to go to Dubai in February for the 1st Dubai International Children's Book Fair. Have requested for participation details from the organizer. Have also found another publisher friend who's interested to join me there. Have been checking on the accommodations and flights for the past couple of months... and tonight I checked with MAS... RM1500 pergi balik siot!!! Kalau nak bawak the whole family, me, Ja, Rayyan, Rayhana... RM5300+ sahaja... pergi balik for the whole family!!
But the bookfair is quite long.. 8 hari! Ja susah nak dapat cuti so early in the year... I've got a friend who have been staying in Dubai for the past 4 years who offered me a place to stay during the bookfair... interesting! But kalau 2-3 hari takpela.. ni kalau dah sampai 8-10 days.. segan la pulak... so just now I went to my uual hunting ground.. VRBO.com found a marvellous condo unit.. and the new Dubai Metro stops right in front of the complex! Filled in my enquiries online and then about less than an hour later the owner CALLED me all the way from the UK! Now that's what I call service! I told her I didn't expect her to call.. only a reply within 8 hours or so was expected... but her call caught me by surprise!
Now trying to get my publisher friend to confirm boleh chip in and share the condo unit tak coz it can sleep up to 7 people.
Hmm.. apa lagi nak citer.. oh yeah, about my camera that I thought went kaput... rupa-rupanya battery tak charge betul... ngong betul... either that charger plug tak masuk soket betul-betul or the battery was not placed right... tak pasal-pasal nasib baik tak gi hantar Sony station kena godek-godek isi perut dia.. daripada takde apa-apa, jadi ntah apa-apa nanti...
Posted by shake at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
So busy yet so not doing anything...
I've got lots of things to do... from web development, proposal writing, the kuih raya business, my online book business, exploring new market for my books (just delivered a FedEx 25kg box to Johannesburg, South Africa.. people there wanting to be my distributor).
I've just been appointed as one of the Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengelola Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2010, heading the sub-committee on "Internet & the New Media", which means I'll be in charged of the KL Book Fair's website and any web promotion for the fair.
Here's the thing. The KL Book Fair will be from March 19-28, 2010. I'm supposed to go to the Bologna Book Fair that runs from Mar 23-25, 2010. Macamana ni? Takde chan ler nak berjalan-jalan explore Italy lagi... hehe and yes, Nana.. I don't think I can join you guys at the French Alps. Kalau pergi Bologna nanti it will just be a touch-and-go affair.. have to go ngam-ngam sampai sana to set up the booth on 22nd and balik on the 25th or 26th... so I can still do my part for the Kl Book Fair that ends on the 28th, not to mention nak kena jaga booth sendiri lagi kat situ....
Ni lah orang kata kerja giler... hehehe.. because of PWTC takde proper slot for the KL Book Fair, the KL Book Fair terpaksa overlap dengan the biggest children's book fair the world. Macamana la nak memartabatkan the KL "INTERNATIONAL" Book Fair??? And since the organizer have signed up with the PWTC for 5 years, there is no way we can have another venue for it. PWTC pulak, orang dah book for 5 years, kena la bagi proper slot well in advance! Ni tak... bukannya orang pakai free... bayar lagi!
So now I'll be having monthly meeting regarding the KL Book Fair.. oh terlupa.. nak kena buat budget for the board to approve by next meeting... hmm... berapa aku nak charge.. hmm.. actually each of us in the committee will get a "sitting allowance".. I have no idea how much.. me being a rookie in the AJK will not dare to question much.. just bagi inputs je sudah memadai.. and last Friday was a very fruitful meeting for me... it's good to know that my inputs are well received by the otai-otai in the Malaysian book industry.
Updates on Rayyan & Rayhana:
1. Rayyan still not going to school. Maybe after raya baru pergi kot... taknak bagi dia keluar rumah to meet other kids at school. His phlegm dah gone.. chest and nose is clear...
2. I'm exposing Rayhana to the letter "O". She's a fast learner...
3. Rayhana can say "bu-ah".. a good start in the vowel sounding development.. hehe putting two different vowel sounds together.. :)
4. Rayhana has started wearing Rayyan's old t-shirts and shorts.. hehe lagila macam boy budak tu..
5. Have started to teach Rayyan using our home phone to dial our mobile numbers... in case of emergency...
Posted by shake at 5:22 PM 0 comments