Monday, November 23, 2009

Sleep Deprived Me

Have not been sleeping well for the past few days... my biological clock timing lari.. kena betulkan mana2 timing belt yang dah loose.. hehe

On Thursday night I had to work on the KL Bookfair website.. it looks ugly now.. and maybe ugly later pun hehe.. but I'll just try my best to make it work.. haha

Friday at 3pm was the pra-pelancaran of the 2010 KL Book Fair. I'm in the organizing committee.. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Internet & Media Baru... a special position they created starting this year.. hehe honored lah jugak terharu yg amat sangat bila dipanggil untuk masuk jadi committee member.. hehe they must have "seen" my visions on how to improve the nation's book industry as a whole.. hehe I don't sit down quietly during meetings with the book industry people in the government.. I voice out my opinions, and some of the seniors echo my points every now and then.. hehe so all that I guess snowballed into me becoming one of the organizing committee members..

The problem is that on the Friday itself, I have a 3-day seminar.. the Global Internet Seminar.. cool! Gila babi punya cool! Registration started at 8.00am. Attendance was giler!! I can say 80% Chinese, 10% Malays, 10% Indian and others. Selalunya benda2 camni Melayu tak ambik kisah... dunno why.. I'll blog about that later...

The Seminar was at Legend Hotel (the Mall). The Bookfair pre-lanch was at Grand Seasons hotel (area bulatan Pahang tu). I was supposed to complete the KL Book Fair site before lunch, but since I have that seminar, I had to complete whatever I can secantik mana yang dapat buat before I mandi and get ready for my 8.00 Registration for the Seminar.

So, I didn't sleep that night, went to a seminar, had lunch at the mall, stayed for another session after lunch, and rushed to Grand Seasons before the last session started.

Balik rumah after that, too tired to sleep.. could not do anything.. finally slept at around 8.. woke up around 11.. and couls not sleep until 3am. I have to be at the seminar again by 8.30.

Saturday, attended the whole day of seminar... got home at 6.30pm.... slept at 8.00pm woke up at 11pm again, slept again at 2am..

Sunday, went to the seminar again.. 9am sharp I arrived at the ballroom. Got home by 5pm, couldn't sleep till 10pm... woke up at 4am... and could not sleep till now.. at work..

Pagi tadi ingat nak baring, nap kejap at 7am.. tgk2 Rayhana pun dah bangun... celik mata je, point kat TV, she said "Pei"... dia nak tengok Upin & Ipin... so layanla Upin & Ipin dgn dia... cannot sleep...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

UNLIMITED, Legal Movie Downloads :)

Just found out about a site that lets you download DVD quality movies legally. They have the license to let us download unlimited number of movies from anywhere in the world. Cartoons, Action, Thrillers, Documentaries, Sci-Fi, Family, Drama, all sorts of movies, including the classics.

Go here!!

I'm thinking if the pirated DVDs cost me RM8 per piece, so I'll be spending RM80 for 10 movies... (God knows how much I've spent) on illegal, pirated movies.. and if you're like me, with kids around the house, the CDs will end up bersepah2... no value to the pirated DVDs, eh? hehe

I used Kazaa/Torrents before to download movies/TV series and the spywares/adwares that came with it sucked! Sampai dah malas dah nak mendownload.. merosakkan komputer aku jer..

So now this site offers an alternate, legal way to get things done.. loads of choices, of course la for a fee... they are currently offering a 2-year UNLIMITED movie download membership plan for US$39.90 (RM135).. can download as many movies as you can for a period of 2 years!!! That's about the cost of 17-18 pirated DVDs... hehe

They are offering memberships for a limited time.. don't know how long the membership drive at that price is gonna last... I hear that after the 2 years, you can renew your membership at a lower rate than your first payment.

Interested? Click here!

Bersama-samalah kita membenteras lanun cetak rompak!
Spread the word around!!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Books & PJ Hilton

Have promised Rayyan to bring him to the "bookshop" and he has been bugging me to go there the whole week. So, on Saturday I brought him to MPH @ The Curve. Got a bunch of books.. and I made sure that the books must have something that he could read.. tak kirala puzzle books ke, etc..

We settled for a Transformer comic/sticker book, a series of 4 astronaut-type shiny kiddie cardboard books, "Litttle Cricket's Big Day (with a cricket sound button), and an arts/crafts/experiment book with instructions to make things...

Then, balik rumah je that afternoon, Ja was already home from work, feeding Rayhana who just got up from her morning nap. Terus packing sebab we have a one-night complimentary stay at PJ Hilton... Ja menang a contest...

Too much barang to pack for just a one-night stay at a hotel sekangkang kera je from our house.. hehe..

We had dinner at Paya Serai Pj Hilton which was fantabulous, as always... 75++ per adult, 45++ per child.. Rayyan - FREE. Not a single item on the buffet that I would not try... gila best! Came down for dinner at 7.30pm, by 8.30 dah rasa almost all the food, then Rayhana pulak terberak, Rayyan pun nak kencing, so Ja went up to the room with the kids while I enjoyed my "pengat pisang", waiting for them to come back down for more food.. hehe

By 9.30 we're back to our room and 10.30 camtu Ja and the kids slept, while I did some work on my laptop.. had to purchased the DoCoMo broadband service.. RM31/hr.. RM63/24hrs.... so amikla yg RM63 punya.... stayed up till 3am.

The next morning, we had our complimentary breakfast buffet and Felishia & my mom joined us at Paya Serai.. had to pay RM45++ per adult for that... although the choices were great for a hotel breakfast, I still feel that the 75++ was actually much more worth than the breakfast.

After checking out, we stopped by at MPH punya discount sale kat Kelana Jaya hall.. setapak kera from our home... bought more books for Rayyan... including a maze puzzle book (he simply loves this kind of puzzles), an "experiment" book, and some books on pirates, outerspace, etc...

Dah sampai rumah barula perasan that we left the Little Cricket's Big Day book at Pj Hilton... :(

Nasib baikla Rayyan dah habis baca buku tu kat sana... but pity for Rayhana coz she loves that book too! Dok menekan-nekan the button for cricket sound...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Battery masuk hidung...

Yup, if you haven't heard it from my FB status, it happened 2 days ago... hidung sapa? Anak aku yang 5 tahun tu la.. hehehe

Dunno how it happened, and how it actually got out coz all the while I was at the office till late night.

Somehow Rayyan was playing with those battery yang leper2 tu.. the battery jam punya type but bigger, meant for those reading light thingy yang you get for signing up credit cards...

There were 3 batteries altogether.. thank God it was only 1 that he put up his nose... obviously it got stuck inside taht you can't see from outside.. can only feel it that it's there..

Long story short... Ja tekan one side and asked him to blow the other side of his nose and the battery finally shot out and rolled on the floor...

Hish!! Budak ni...

Well I was thelling the guys on FB that at 5 years, I had my fare share of terrifying feats!! hehe...

I was actually poisoned and was hurriedly brought to KLGH and brought to the emergency where they put up tube up my nose that went through all the way to my tummy or what not and sucked the poisoned blood out... 2wice in 2 days....

How I got poisoned?

I was playing hide and seek around the house when I hid belakang pokok ni....

Yup.. pokok keladi ni yg banyak dok kat kawasan rumah.. in my case.. kat dalam pasu around my grandparents house.. coz we were living there...

What I did? Masa tengah menyorok belakang pokok ni.. I pi gatal gigit batang pokok ni yang berbelang-belang tu..... once gigit je, maka tertelanlah getah pokok tu bercampur dgn air liur and immediately my jaw was locked, lidah & tekak rasa bisa, I was terlolong masuk rumah.. couldn't seem to tutup mulut...

Only grandparents were in the house... Atok Mat gave me air garam to kumuh, gargle, etc.. still couldn't do anything... he called my dad at work.. (my mom was somehow already at GH, admitted for spraining her right shoulder few days before). My dad rush in a taxi and we took the same taxi to GH.

Admitted for 2 days. My mom slept next to me, instead of staying in her ward.

I definitely wouldn't want that to happen to any of my kids... HORROR!

Right after that incident, my grandparents mengharamkan rumah2 ada pokok keladi yg kat atas tu!

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Rayhana berkata-kata...

Let's run through some of Rayhana's "vocab"... hehe..

1. "Pa" or "Papa" - me lah...

2. "Ma" or "Mama" - Ja

3. "Ba" - "Abang" Rayyan dia...

4. "Na"/"Nana"/"Nanana" - Rayhana...

5. "Bah" - bang... azan

6. "Ne' " - nenek

7. "Te' " - aunty... yg jaga dia kat rumah ni

8. "Ta" - car, star

9. "Dah" - sudah

10. "Tata" - babai ler

11. "Nak" - nak

12. "eir" - hair, ear

13. "uar" - seluar

14. "tete" - tetek hehe

15. "tak" - bukak

16."vvvah" - sha (Felishia)

17. "kerh" - "uncle"

18. "kerk" - "cake"

19. "ke'h" - "cat"

20. "dair" - "there"

21. "te' " - ten

22. "pah" - puff

23. "be' " - ubat

24. "pah" - tumpah

25. "tah" - muntah

26. "ppbfrrht" - kentut

27. "ghaaarrgghh" - tiger

hehe, sekian, terima kasih...

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Rayyan's "Report Card" Day

Just got back from Genius Aulad tadi. 2d term punya teacher-parent session. They don't really test the kids.. no exams whatsoever so the "report card" just shows a detailed progress report for Rayyan at Genius Aulad.

Looking at the overall Genius Aulad punya student performance, bebudak sekolah pagi fare a bit better than bebudak sekolah petang... maybe kids are morning people.. so sesapa yg bangun lambat like Rayyan would lose out! hehe

Anyways, the report is broken down to Islamic Education (Al-Quran, Fardhu Ain, Akhlaq, Jawi), General Development (Social & Emotional, Fine Motor Skills, Creative Expression), English Language (Reading, Listening & Speaking, Writing, Phonics), Bahasa Melayu (Membaca, Menulis), Mathematic Skills (Pre-numbers, Number Sense, Arithmetic), Islamic Hafazan (Ibadah, Surah, Doa, Names, Others).. quite extensive assessment...

Rayyan excels in Math & English, BM is so, so... bab Islamic ni leceh sikit... coz since he only attended class 51 days out of 97 days in the 2nd term, he's lacking in the daily practice that the subject requires... doa, hafazan... these are things they teach every day, 3 times a day and if you don't come to school so many days.. you'll definitely miss out...

Rayyan is reading Peter & Jane book 5A. For 5 year olds sekolah petang, he leads the other students... yang paling dekat dgn dia pun baru sampai 3B je. But there's one student from sekolah pagi already at 6B, 1 at 5B, and a couple more at 5A.

The iqra' book, he's just an average student.. again, pasal dia tak gi sekolah banyak hari and mak bapak dia tak ajar kat rumah... hehe

Dalam banyak2 itemized skill from the report.. there is one yang paling excellent dia boleh buat... paling "competent"... DOA MAKAN! hahahaha alhamdulillah...