Saturday, November 07, 2009

Rayyan's "Report Card" Day

Just got back from Genius Aulad tadi. 2d term punya teacher-parent session. They don't really test the kids.. no exams whatsoever so the "report card" just shows a detailed progress report for Rayyan at Genius Aulad.

Looking at the overall Genius Aulad punya student performance, bebudak sekolah pagi fare a bit better than bebudak sekolah petang... maybe kids are morning people.. so sesapa yg bangun lambat like Rayyan would lose out! hehe

Anyways, the report is broken down to Islamic Education (Al-Quran, Fardhu Ain, Akhlaq, Jawi), General Development (Social & Emotional, Fine Motor Skills, Creative Expression), English Language (Reading, Listening & Speaking, Writing, Phonics), Bahasa Melayu (Membaca, Menulis), Mathematic Skills (Pre-numbers, Number Sense, Arithmetic), Islamic Hafazan (Ibadah, Surah, Doa, Names, Others).. quite extensive assessment...

Rayyan excels in Math & English, BM is so, so... bab Islamic ni leceh sikit... coz since he only attended class 51 days out of 97 days in the 2nd term, he's lacking in the daily practice that the subject requires... doa, hafazan... these are things they teach every day, 3 times a day and if you don't come to school so many days.. you'll definitely miss out...

Rayyan is reading Peter & Jane book 5A. For 5 year olds sekolah petang, he leads the other students... yang paling dekat dgn dia pun baru sampai 3B je. But there's one student from sekolah pagi already at 6B, 1 at 5B, and a couple more at 5A.

The iqra' book, he's just an average student.. again, pasal dia tak gi sekolah banyak hari and mak bapak dia tak ajar kat rumah... hehe

Dalam banyak2 itemized skill from the report.. there is one yang paling excellent dia boleh buat... paling "competent"... DOA MAKAN! hahahaha alhamdulillah...