Thursday, November 12, 2009

Battery masuk hidung...

Yup, if you haven't heard it from my FB status, it happened 2 days ago... hidung sapa? Anak aku yang 5 tahun tu la.. hehehe

Dunno how it happened, and how it actually got out coz all the while I was at the office till late night.

Somehow Rayyan was playing with those battery yang leper2 tu.. the battery jam punya type but bigger, meant for those reading light thingy yang you get for signing up credit cards...

There were 3 batteries altogether.. thank God it was only 1 that he put up his nose... obviously it got stuck inside taht you can't see from outside.. can only feel it that it's there..

Long story short... Ja tekan one side and asked him to blow the other side of his nose and the battery finally shot out and rolled on the floor...

Hish!! Budak ni...

Well I was thelling the guys on FB that at 5 years, I had my fare share of terrifying feats!! hehe...

I was actually poisoned and was hurriedly brought to KLGH and brought to the emergency where they put up tube up my nose that went through all the way to my tummy or what not and sucked the poisoned blood out... 2wice in 2 days....

How I got poisoned?

I was playing hide and seek around the house when I hid belakang pokok ni....

Yup.. pokok keladi ni yg banyak dok kat kawasan rumah.. in my case.. kat dalam pasu around my grandparents house.. coz we were living there...

What I did? Masa tengah menyorok belakang pokok ni.. I pi gatal gigit batang pokok ni yang berbelang-belang tu..... once gigit je, maka tertelanlah getah pokok tu bercampur dgn air liur and immediately my jaw was locked, lidah & tekak rasa bisa, I was terlolong masuk rumah.. couldn't seem to tutup mulut...

Only grandparents were in the house... Atok Mat gave me air garam to kumuh, gargle, etc.. still couldn't do anything... he called my dad at work.. (my mom was somehow already at GH, admitted for spraining her right shoulder few days before). My dad rush in a taxi and we took the same taxi to GH.

Admitted for 2 days. My mom slept next to me, instead of staying in her ward.

I definitely wouldn't want that to happen to any of my kids... HORROR!

Right after that incident, my grandparents mengharamkan rumah2 ada pokok keladi yg kat atas tu!