Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rayyan Photoshoot Main-Main

My mom had a photoshoot session to ambik gambar kain-kain telekung dia, tudung, etc for me to create a blog to sell them.. so we had a photographer coming over to our home last couple of weeks. Just got the CD from him today. Dalam banyak2 telekung/busana/tudung shots ada la terselit these photos... haha I was at home the whole time and supervised the photoshoot most of the time but somehow I was not around when these photos of Rayyan were taken... hehehe

More photos on my facebook guys...



Nana said...

ahahahahhahahah kelakarnye expression dia! dia pakai wig ke???

shake said...

hehe yup.. my mom's ntah mana dia beli ntah... supposed to tutup kepala patung2 botak dia.. hehe