Saturday, February 27, 2010

DSH... rumah keduaku... hehe

I seriously think Damansara Specialist Hospital should award me with a free week stay every year, insurance claimable... dah beribu2 duit habis kat situ... at least kalau tak sakit pun saje je dok relax kat situ nak reduce stress... hehe

This month alone have been bringing Rayyan & Rayhana for almost every week... both of them ada wheezing terukla gak...

Rayyan was coughing/wheezing for quite sometime already and we have been giving him ubat for almost 2 months tak baik2 jugak... first we went to Dr Azizi, the child chest specialist just to check on his lungs, etc... so he gave medication.. pastu tak baik jugak nak jumpa Dr Azizi balik he was not around, so we went to Dr Musa. Dr Musa checked and he was quite worried that Rayyan has been on medication for almost 2 months, so he gave 10 doses of "Duovent" to be nebulized on Rayyan every morning and night kat hospital nearest to our house, which is the Kelana Jaya Medical Centre. Prednisolone pun sampai bagi sampai 2 courses.. the first course twice a day for 7 days, and then once a day for 7 days... and on top of that kena bagi Ventolin puff every 4 hours...

was quite worried for Rayyan takut kalau2 dia jadi asthmatic pulak.. I asked Dr Musa how Rayyan's situation in terms of asthmaticism (ada ke perkataan ni hehe).. Dr Musa explained that Rayyan was halfway between normal and asthmatic. Kalau tak jaga, he'll be asthmatic.

After completing his 2 courses of prednisolone and 10 doses of Duovent, and 4-hourly ventolin puffs....... he's cleared, alhamdulillah....

Si Rayhana pulak, midway masa tengah dok deal with Rayyan's problems dia pulak dapat flu la, batukla, wheezing la... demam panas la... again, same treatment as Rayyan, but without the 10 doses of Duovent... so now Rayhana is almost completing her 2nd course of prednisolone, hingus dah takde, lungs cleared, just ada lagi lendir residuals yang nak hilang..., according to Dr Musa... again, alhamdulillah...

So since Ja works, most of the time it's just me alone bringing the kids to the hospital...

Pagi lepas ambik Rayyan from school, terus gi Kelana Jaya medical centre for one dose of Duovent, pastu balik, petang pulak ambik Rayhana from nursery and bring her and Rayyan to see Dr Musa, malam pulak bawak Rayyan balik gi Kelana Medical Centre for another Duovent on nebulizer...

Ni photo2 ni masa tengah kat lobby Damansara Specialist... god knows how much money I spent there.. termasuklah dengan the usual french fries, burger, mushroom soup, chocolate cup, etc everytime.... :)

How did I handle these kids when one of them had to go to the toilet??? Thank God for "disabled" toilets... coz I was memang kekurangan upaya to handle both kids alone.. hehe


Nana said...

Wah quite extensive ubat yg the doc bagi. If he could reduce the chances of getting asthma that's really good. Nasib baik you Ada insurance kan?

shake said...

ada insurance.. but only for hospitalization... tak admit tak boleh claim from insurance, but Ja's company can reimburse for out-patient treatment for herself and the kids...

Mom-On-The-Loose said...

fuyooooh... must've been really tiring for you!! but the kids look fine and happy. biasa la bebudak kan, sakit2 pun can goof around. hope the kids recover soon....

shake said...

haha yeah.. kis kalau dah temperature 39-40 pun macam takde benda jer.. kita cecah 38 sikit je dah takleh buat apa dah.. hehe

eh, happy pantanging!