Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Atok's & Arifah's Birthday

We celebrated my dad's birthday at Seoul Garden... steamboat & grill place at Plaza Pantai, adjacent to Angkasapuri, the one where the LRT runs through it... :)

Felishia punya idea to go to that place. Steamboat spread is marvellous! But the place too cramped. Kalau penuh tempat tu sure tak comfortable... lucky for us at our side of the restaurant takde orang lain... so they were about close to 20 of us including kids..

Lepas makan, tak larat nak makan cake.. so potong je dulu kat situ (since Renu & Sharat wanted to go home right after that), and then makan later at home...

I wanted to just get 2 small cakes since people don't eat so much cake nowadays except for kids.. pila kat King's kat Giant Hypermart tu... me & Rayyan went for the one with the fruit. Pastu takde kek lain yang menarik kat situ we walked over to Secret Recipe and bought the Chocolate Strawberry cake...

Haha.. gambar kat atas ni actually is the first of 2 snaps of cucu-cucu.. I got all these pics from Felishia punya FB gallery.. I didn't snap any photos using my camera kat situ coz was busy steamboating and grilling... 1st snap ni is all the cucus, except the cucu from Fizrul and his 2nd wife. The 2nd snap is supposed to be all the cucus... 6 altogether.. 3 laki, 3 pompuan... blessed! :)

While I was steamboating, grilling, etc.. Ja was busy taking care of Rayhana who was restless... tempat panas.. and she wanted to get close to the steamboat & grill... and of course while doing that Ja also berborak2la dengan all the menantus.... oh ya.. forgot to mention... dinner was on Ja.. hehe

When we got home, we unwrapped the presents. Arifah got the Barbie school bag with rollers, that my mom asked my to buy for her, which I bought at Tropicana City Mall earlier that day. And I bought for her a matching water tumbler, stationery + casing, and that transparent bag.. all Barbie... to go with the school bag...

As for Atok, my mom bought him 2 gifts... mula-mula bukak, it was a RM10 spec hitam... haha semuorang gelak...

I took out the shades I just bought for Rayyan & Rayhana.. each of these cost RM20!

hahaha.. pastu my mom took out another gift for my dad... spec hitam Armani siot.. hahaha

pasni ada lagi satu cerita birthday... :)