Friday, February 11, 2011

Rayyan Speaks About Friday

Just now as I was heading home with Rayyan from his taekwondo class, he said:

"I have lots of stuff to do tomorrow... I have Taman Megah, hospital, and piano class!"

Tomorrow we're seeing Dr Azizi to check on Rayyan's pee again. To see if it was really just bacterial infection that caused the "bleeding". Had Ja call Dr Azizi's clinic just now to make sure he can see us earliest after Friday prayers so we could rush to Yamaha music school by 5pm for Rayyan's piano class.

Are we pushing him too hard? With Kumon, taekwondo, speech & drama, piano, and mengaji... Well, he really enjoys Speech & Drama, Taekwondo and Piano.... In that order... Kumon not so.. I don't think normal kids would love Kumon anyways hehe but the drilling is good practice not so much of the actual Kumon work, but in developing his attitude on being responsible, and of course he needs the writing practice... His writing was horrible, but looking at his Kumon sheets, it has improved :)

Mengaji tu takleh nak elakla... He's getting pretty good at it. I was amazed at how good he is that we high-fived on many occasions during mengaji time :)

I'm about to enroll him into that RM100 per year weekly Mandarin class. We'll see how it goes.


greeneyes said...

as long as he enjoys his schedule and gets to play like any other child, you should be doing ok....

be mindful of the pressure on him if you have great expectation of a 7 year old... God Bless Him

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