Thursday, February 03, 2011

Telinga Merah

Just punished Rayyan for 1-Not finishing his Kumon homework and 2-Lying to me straight in my face face everyday for the past 3 days about completing his homework.

Kumon gave him 6 Math booklets and 5 English booklets of homework that need to be spread out throughout 6 days during this CNY holidays. Kumon breaks for a week... so about 1 Math and 1 English booklets to do everyday. Each booklet theoretically should be completed within 10 minutes.

Knowing that he's not gonna be doing it everyday, I've spread the homework into 3 days for him to do. At the end of each day, I would ask him if he had finished the work I have assigned him to do. He said yes. And even asked me "you're not going to check my homework?". I said no every time. I thought, let him do the mistakes, and get the teacher to point the mistakes to him and let him correct himself. In fact, that's what Kumon is asking the parents to do.

This morning he was supposed to finish all his his homework. I asked him again this morning before we went for swimming. He said he has finished his work. Again, tonight, I asked him, and he said he has finished them.

Then, just now, I asked him to show me his Kumon bag. I checked, out of 11 booklets of homework, he only completed 2. The rest, he only did the first few pages, and the back page. In the middle semua kosong!

As I was checking each of the homework, I would jentik telinga 2-3 kali and asked to finish the homework straight away. Jumpa lagi homework yang tak siap, I called him again, jentik telinga few times, asked him to buat... jumpa lagi homework tak siap, jentik telinga lagi, suruh dia buat.... jumpa lagi homework tak siap, jentik telinga lagi, suruh dia buat... each and every time I jentik telinga dia, I told him that that was not for the homework yang tak habis, but for the lies he told me about finishing his homework.

Habis merah sebelah telinga, I jentik telinga sebelah lagi. Now both ears are red as he's currently trying to finish all his homework by tonight, or else he can't go to bed.

Cruel? Yes, if the reason is solely for not doing his homework. But for lying - No!


Mom-On-The-Loose said...

gotta be cruel to be kind. cenna lagi nak ajar anak, tul tak?? I've got to agree that he's got to learn NOT to lie. that's important. but it must've been hard for you as well. Let's just hope he learns his lesson and not repeat the behaviour.

shake said...

Sedih gak nak punish bebudak ni. Have tried reasoning, and somehow bila dia dah besar ni apa yang kita kata tak masuk dalam kepala dia. Dulu I cubit lengan. This jentik telinga is new for me... I feel it's more appropriate for the kesalahan tak mendengar kata. Rotan is still a no-no in my house. I've been "tortured" by that far too many times during childhood that I wouldn't want my kids to be hurt by that thing at all.