Every time she wakes up in the morning, there's always a smile on her face, playing with her fingers and looking at the "ka", "ki", "ku" etc on the wall I posted for Rayyan. In fact she digs that big time. So every morning I would pick her up and walk her through each syllable one by one and her eyes follow closely at each one of them. Always smiling after we finish the six syllables and I would repeat about 2-3 times before getting her out to the hall, where she rests for a bit, watching ASTRO's 613. Rayyan, of course at that time would still be sleeping.
She still has running nose and would cough every once in a while. Last Saturday night we brought her into the emergency ward because she was crying non-stop and coughing every 30 seconds or so and vomitted once. When we got there, there were 4-5 other babies. Musim la ni...
Punyala si Rayhana ni menangis non-stop along the way, while waiting for her turn to see the doctor.... then suddenly when the doctor called us in and we put her on the bed, diam pulak dia... smiling... when the doctor talked to her, she smiled. When the doc put the stethoscope on her chest, she grinned...
Then the doctor went back to her table, we picked Rayhana up and sat next to the doc si Rayhana ni was talking non-stop.. especially while the doctor was talking about what might caused her crying non-stop... lagi doctor tu cakap, lagi dia cakap.. macam nak report kat doktor tu yang mak bapak dia tak reti jaga dia kot.. hahahaha
Alhamdulillah... her chest was clear.. no need for nebulizer. The doctor said it could have been colic tapi bila doctor tekan2 perut Rayhana budak kecik tu senyum jer.... There is also a possibility of runny nose that made her uneasy especially the post-nasal dripping that caused the uneasiness.
So Rayhana is still on Phenagan and the Iladin nose drop. Her chest still sounds like wheezing but it's actually the sound from the nose... Hopefully she will be okay in the next couple of days 'coz all of us are going to Cameron Highlands next week!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Rayhana's Updates
Posted by shake at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Rayyan and his new bibik
At last.. we finally got one since last Sunday. That was after a series of trial (and error) with the agent Ja dealt with.
The agent first gave us one person... Fatimah, orang Medan. She was a Christian, converted to Islam when she got married few years ago. She came here to work, leaving her hubby and her two kids in Indon. She had problems with the hubby and his parents. Of course she wouldn't want to leave her kids with her Christian parents takut jadi Kristianlah pulak anak2 dia. And she couldn't leave the kids with her parents in-law either. So she just left with the agent kat sana. The deal with Fatimah was that the agent let us put her on trial for a few days and then, if we like the way she worked, the agent would arrange so that she would go back to Indon and settle her work permit and come back straight to our home. She was on tourist Visa.
So what happened? She left, and never came back. The agent had to give us another maid to try. After a few weeks, the agent gave us another one, apa ntah nama dia... oh Iis.. pronounced "IS" or something like that. This lady is quite matured (not that old), from Medan, but used to be a secretary in Jakarta... kerja bagus, cakap orang putih pun boleh sikit2 (very important! especially nak jaga Rayyan.. hehe) but susahla pulak kita nak mengumpat pasal dia depan2... haha.. anyways... adala pulak banyak problem pasal Iis ni.. dah hantar balik dah and was about to proceed with her papers.. then dia pulak komplen kaki dia sakit.. and that she only wanted to work for 1 year... but she told her agent that we were nice people.. and that sayang pulak tak boleh kerja dengan we all.. we also don't want to have her for 1 year.. pastu nak kena bayar lagi beribu2 to get another one.. for what??? So that was it.. another one down the Selat Melaka...
Weeks after that... after Ja pressuring the agent.. barula dapat lagi sorang. This time, Ja went to the agent's house terus interview calon maid kitorang. Takyah nak susah2 datang trial pastu tak datang2 balik. So after the interview, Ja said she was satisfied with the girl... kitorang tunggula.. pi Putrajaya to settle everything and wait for about 1-2 weeks to get this girl to start work in our home.
So this new one is okay.. Rani.. just got married for one and half years... laki kat sana.. takde anak.. but she is good. Pernah kerja kat Seremban but didn't want to continue sebab majikan punya emak buat asyik cari masalah dgn dia.. haha.. and she also takut kena tinggal kat rumah dgn anak2 majikan for long periods of time 'coz according to her majikan dia kerja kapal terbang.. pilot and stewardess la kot.. so it's their loss lah nampak gaya. Don't want to jinx anything but I think if she keeps up her work like this and willing to stay long.. kitorang pun dah taknak carik orang lain... I prefer to work with maids who can grow together with our family sampai bila2... tapi kesianla pulak dengan dia.. dia pun nak berfamily jugak kan?
I've known people who have their maids work berbelas tahun dengan diorang.. my mom pun the longest she kept her maid ada la dalam 6-8 years... sempat la jugak kak Esah tu tengok sekor2 me and my siblings kawin and sampai beranak-pinak... but then since diorang ni too long in Malaysia, and ada handphone, diorang pun dah start naik kepala pulak...
So, so far everyone's happy with Rani. But she couldn't understand English. Haha kesian la pulak kat dia... dia nak main dengan Rayyan tapi tak paham pulak Rayyan kata apa. Dia kata Rayyan cakap macam2 kat dia but when she asked him to talk to her in Malay dia kata Rayyan senyum je.. hehehe
Just now, they were playing together... I heard her asking Rayyan to talk in Malay. I overheard, so suruhla Rayyan cakap Melayu. Rayyan said "I don't know" senyum-senyum malu.. hahaha but then immediately said to her "can you tolong help me susun this thing... " haha... masalah lah pulak budak boleh cakap omputih ni.. nak cakap Melayu tak reti sangat.. sometimes I wonder since he is already thinking in English, yang kita dok marah2 dia in Malay dia paham ke tak? I know he understands Malay... 'coz everyone around him speaks Malay.. I think his Malay vocab is not as strong as his English. That shows Malaysia tak cukup program TV yang bagus2 untuk budak2... hehehe yang ada pun poyo gila!
If they wanna teach through TV program, you can easily see what they are trying to teach.. the characters memang nampak ikut skrip macam drama Yusof Haslam.. but those programs on 613, 615, 616, they can really teach kids without even us noticing.. and that's good 'coz they are done in a fun way. Even the kids don't realize they are actually learning!!!
Even Rayhana is enjoying her morning doses of 613.. hehe she can bore herself watching TV and playing with her fingers and eventually sleep...
Oh and one last thing to update... Rayyan goes to school today. I'll pick him up in about an hour. Masa hantar tadi he was sebak as usual, but after seeing his class teacher, terus dengan bangganya bukak bag dia keluarkan buku homework dia yang dia tulis "alif" and "ba" that was supposed to be handed in last Monday.. hahaha..
I already wrote a note in his "Message Book" (that's the book for parents/teachers to communicate with each other) to give him all the writing work he was supposed to do for the past 4 days as his homework over this CNY weekend.
Posted by shake at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
FLU is in the air...
Yup... I got the flu. Rayyan is no longer on paracetamol and phenagan... demam dah surut.. only finishing his KLACID antibiotics which he hated, unlike Augmentin which he loves. Rayhana so far has managed to be out of the cold.. hehe.. Ja pulak apart from the ongoing sinus problem, she is immune to all these "penyakit2 bandar".. hahaha.. she's the strongest person around...
So that leaves me... just got back from the Damansara Polyclinic at Uptown.. with antibiotics la, flu pills, fever, phlegm pills... so masa borak2 dgn doktor tadi I looked at my records, last year I went to see him almost like every 2-3 months... so I got the flu maybe 4-5 times a year... my last visit was July 2008.. hmm.. so that's 6 months of illness-free period.
Usually I only get sick when I do spring cleaning, or when people around me gets sick.
Borak punya borak pasal flu ni, the doctor mentioned that he hardly gets any flu... maybe like 1-2 times in 2 years... hmm... the reason?? He stopped eating chicken. He didn't like chicken, and it turned out to be a healthy option for him. Which makes me think that maybe those jab they cucuk kat tengkuk ayam tu kot yang punya angkara ni.... but howla to stop eating chicken? Gila?? Ayam kampung may well be the best choice.. but it's not as succulent as ayam kena inject tu... anyways, I'm trying to eat more fish nowadays.. something that I promised not to do as soon as I got back from the States dulu... hehe
I also asked the doctor about flu shots... they have it at his clinic but generally it's of no use for Malaysians.. haha according to him laaa.. flu shots are generally good for those living in cold climates... or if you wanna spend a considerable amount of time there... (hmm.. we should have gotten our shot before we went to Europe for 3 weeks dulu... 'coz by the time we got to Paris in the 2nd week, semua dah dok sneeze sana, sneeze sini.. phlegm sana phlegm sini...).
Usually it takes me 4 days after medication to get me up and running as usual. Still doing work from home.. hopefully to be in the office after CNY.
Posted by shake at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tagged... me spilling the beans about myself...
Nana the cuckoo Doctor-to-be tagged me with this. (Click on the image to go to her blog)
So I'm supposed to list down 10 facts about me or my hobbies.. hmmm....
1. Saya pemalu.
2. Saya setia pada yang satu.
3. Saya family man.
4. Saya suka memasak.
5. Saya tersangaaaaatlah suka travel.
6. Saya tak suka segala benda hidup yang bergerak menggunakan jalan yang sama dengan saya (kecuali sesetengah manusia).
7. Saya suka mencipta sesuatu, terutamanya jika sesuatu itu adalah berkenaan pendidikan.
8. Saya tak suka meminjam apa2 dan juga tidak suka apa2 kepunyaan saya dipinjamkan.
9. Saya suka belajar benda baru.
10. Saya sentiasa merasakan saya patut memberi lebih daripada apa yang diterima.
Kalau nak details.. sila nyatakan kenyataan mana yang perlu didetailkan dan saya akan huraikan di dalam komen... hehehe
Sekian, terima kasih.
Posted by shake at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Rayyan's Fever
We actually went to see Dr Azizi this morning. Rayyan's fever turned out weird where rashes suddenly appeared all over his body, face, and you can see swollen eyes as if he's dehydrated... nampak macam muka bengkak-bengkak sembap2 pun ada... but he's as chirpy as usual.
Rayhana pun started to have runny nose.. and suddenly a lesion appeared on her cheek macam nak naik bisul (according Dr Azizi). Presumably, viral/bacteria infection berjangkit from Rayyan. So far Rayhana has not gotten the fever. Hopefully not, insyaAllah.
Rayyan's temperature reached 39C today so terpaksala masukkan ubat buntut dia...
On the way to the doctor just now we were commenting of his face yang bengkak-bengkak tu.. he suddenly said "I drink lots of water.. that's why my face bengkak2..." hahaha.. I kalau anak I demam.. I have to make sure he would not have any problem with dehydration. In fact, everytime Rayyan pees yellow, I would advise him to drink lots more water afterwards.
Now Rayyan's temperature is stable at around 37C, which is normal. His face still sembab.. maybe baru bangun tido. Rayhana pun after applying her facial creams, she slept sampai nak maghrib baru bangun.... no fever. Rayyan is on antibiotics right now, together with his paracetamol and phenagan (not sure if I spelled it right). Dr Azizi asked us to monitor him for 1 more day... if he still has fever tomorrow night, he advised us to go to the emergency ward and get a blood test for fear of dengue.
Now I am getting the cold.... no fever but my nose is runny and I'm sneezing more than Ja the sinus queen.
Nana requested me to post the immunization card details.. so here it is..
Rayyan's Card
1. BCG - at birth
2. Triple Antigen (Diphteria, Tetanus & Whooping Cough) + Polio + Hib
- 1st dose > 3 mths, 2nd dose > 4 mths, 3rd dose > 5 mths
3. Hepatitis B
- 1st dose > at birth, 2nd dose > 1 mth, 3rd dose > 6 mths
4. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) - 12 mths
5. Chicken Pox - 13 mths
6. Hepatitis A - 1st dose > 14 mths, 2nd dose > 20 mths
7. Double Antigen (Diptheria & Tetanus) + Polio
- 1st booster + Hib > 18 mths, 2nd booster > 6 yrs, 3rd booster > 12 years
8. MMR - 4 years
9. BCG (if no scar) - 6 yrs
10. BCG - 10-11 yrs
11. Tetanus - every 10 yrs
We also did optional (sunat) but highly advisable (snat muakkad hehehe) Pneumococcal when they started introducing it in 2006. And since Rayyan at that time was 2 years old, he only needed 1 dose and that's it. Rayhana has to go through 4 doses.
1. BCG - at birth
2. Hepatitis B - at birth, 1 mth, 6 mth, 5 yrs (booster)
3. DTaP & Polio & Hib - 2mths, 3 mths, 4 mths, 18 mths
4. MMR - 12 mths, 4-6 yrs
5. DTaP & Polio - 4-6 yrs
6. Tetanus - 12 yrs
7. Chicken pox - 1 yr
8. Hepatitis A - 2 yrs, 2.5 yrs.
For Rayhana we did Pneumococcal.. so far 1 out of 4 doses, and Rotavirus (2 out of 3 oral doses so far).. ni semua ni sunat muakkad la...
Okay that's it... time to time I anticipate there will be more optional immunization.. but so far apa yg diorang optionalkan, I wajibkan for my kids.
Yg tak amik just the flu shots... I think I might start that soon. Selalu dengar cerita TV mat salleh je yg amik flu shots ni.. orang Malaysia mana pernah amik flu shots every year? Now that they are offering it at DSH, why not? Hopefully immune la sikit bebudak ni, especially Rayyan who always gets penyakit everytime he starts school ni....
Posted by shake at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Rayyan's 1st day OFF school
Rayyan has a fever since Saturday and is not fit to go to school today. He has a cold but that's almost gone now. The fever I checked this morning was at 37.5C. Good thing we went and get our cold and fever medicine last Saturday when we went for Rayhana's 3-month checkup.
Rayhana had the "5-serangkai" jab as Dr Musa put it (or was it 3-serangkai).. the DTap & Polio & Hib 2nd dose. On top of that she also had her 2nd dose of Rotavirus vaccination. When we arrived at Dr Musa's clinic, he was attending patient #32 and we were #65. So we went out to One Utama to get some presents for Arifah (Rayyan's cousin) whose birthday we celebrated yesterday.
When we came back from One Utama, the number was at 49.. so we had lunch at the hospital and thought of just going to Dr Azizi's clinic to get Rayyan's fever and cold medicine... saja nak simpan stock.
We always have with us Paracetamol syrup (ubat demam pink tu).. which is Rayyan's favorite.., either Clarytine or Phenagan syrup for his selsema, and Voltaren bullets (ubat buntut tu).. and of course the thermometer. So if Rayyan has a fever... we just follow the same routine everytime without going to see the doctor... (i got Dr Azizi's approval for doing that... hehe). So if Rayyan punya badan panas sikit, we check with the thermometer.. if more than 37C, it's paracetamol syrup every 6 hours and if the temperature gets to 38.5C and above, it's Voltaren every 8 hours.. and at the same time, bukakkan baju dia, and bukak aircon and kipas... lap muka, badan with kain lembap and also put air asam jawa atas kepala dia.... hehe.. sounds silly but alhamdulillah... it works like a charm! everytime!
But of course, if the fever goes on for more than 3 days, we'll see the doctor... sometimes to get his blood sample for checkup.. if denggi ke apa ke...
This time though the fever is probably because of the cold... so takla teruk sangat..
But now Rayhana has started sneezing. But takde la pulak hingus ke apa. I would monitor her for another 1-2 days before bringing her to Dr Musa.
Posted by shake at 2:46 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
After 8 days of school...
Rayyan has a new friend. His first friend, Danish.. turned out that that boy has not come to class for 4-5 days already. According to Rayyan, Danish's mom came to school and said to the teacher Danish is sick. From the first day Rayyan told me Danish didn't come, I asked him to make new friends.... so only today he found another friend... SOFEA. I don't know how she looks like yet but Rayyan said she has a "round hair" and not wearing tudung. I asked if she's beautiful... Rayyan said yes... hehehe
A look at his class roster which I snapped on the first day of class, she's actually Ameerah Sofea. I still couldn't figure out which one is Danish 'coz there are 2 Danishes in his class... and I know I saw few more Danishes in other classes as well... quite a common name in 2004 I guess.
Rayyan also got his first homework today... oh which reminds me.. promised to sit down together with him when he does his homework... tulis "alif" and "ba" jer... for his Jawi. He's also starting on his Iqra' book for Quran. Math.. the teacher only started writing with 1 and 2. 5 yo students are supposed to only know numbers up to 50. But I like the way they teach the number concept. English reading.. Peter and Jane book.. only 2 pages so far. BM.. no idea what they do yet 'coz I have yet to see any books on that. Books are kept in class unless the teacher require parents' involvement at home.
The last two days I picked him up super early 'coz he has been complaining whenever I picked him up before this, he was always almost the last person there... or he is the only boy in his class left, etc... so when sees at down the stairs when no one has gone back yet, he says "thank you for picking me up "fast", papa!" both times. Haha how on earth/ what did we do right bringing him up to be so polite... haha.. I sure need to know or recall for Rayhana's sake!
So after 8 days... so far I've noticed that he has learned something... he always mentions his teacher was saying this and that at school.. he can't remember his teacher's name (3 teachers teaching different subjects in a class). He nicknamed one of the teachers "Granny Teacher".... haha I asked him why he called her Granny. He said because she is big.. hehe I think she must be that big elderly macam muka ustazah type.. but she's so nice.. bila everytime I send Rayyan to school, most of the time she's there, calling Rayyan's name dengan manja sekali... hahaha
He still rasa sebak everytime I send him off. Muka macam he could easily cry any second... but everytime I pick him up.... ceria sampai macam taknak balik la pulak... one time he actually had me wait just because he wanted to wait till Danish siap pakai kasut.. nak turun tangga tu sekali...
He's loving his experience at Genius Aulad. Everytime I pick him up he always says "let's come here again next time" and I always correct him.. TOMORROW! and he says.. "yeah, tomorrow!"
Posted by shake at 9:24 PM 4 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Rayhana's Squeaks and Squeals
At 2 months, Rayhana had already started making some verbal interactions with us. Now that she's 3 months old, she loves to talk! She needs people around her all the time to talk to her or else.... tu yang mak aku tak tahan tu... hehehe
Her favorite person is Rayyan. Somehow there is this strong sibling connection between them. Whenever Rayyan is talking, Rayhana tries to find her brother and reply with her own language...
Now she sleeps well at night. After her last meal at around 11 or 12 midnight, she could stay asleep till 7am. Then sleep again till 10am. 10-12 noon is her awake time, before taking a nap till 1 or 2 for her meal... then sleeps again till 5 or 6 and she'll be awake till 8-9pm. Nap again till 10 or 11 for her last meal of the day.. 1 hour of awake time and then she sleeps again till the next day... that's her daily routine as of now...
Since maid takde now (expecting this week or early next week), I have to do my work at home while taking care of the kids since my mom tak tahan dengar Rayhana menangis. I told her... baby mana tak nangis.... hehehe and that maybe she's just too old to be hearing babies crying.. hahaha... but once the maid is here.. she'll still be looking after Rayhana.. with the help of the maidlaa..
We bought the baby monitor.. ala yang walkie talkie tu... since my mom requested for it if she were to take care of Rayhana so that she would hear any cries from wherever she is around the house... RM200+ for that one..
Another strange thing... it seems that Rayhana only cries like mad whwnever I put her at my mom's place. Somehow she cries lesser in our own home. So that monitor is really handy for my mom.
One day when I came back from the office I found my mom beli buaian spring. Punayla pantang nenek moyang aku tengok benda alah tu... hahaha.. Rayyan never needed that buai... and I don't want any of my kids to be dependent on that.. and there's lots of other negative stories I hear.. medically and safety issues especially when you have other kids around the house... (if you guys have medical reports pasal buai spring ni on how it affects the baby's brain please give me the link).
Anyways.. I just let that buai in my house... tak guna pun... but my mom sneaked Rayhana into it whenever I'm out and once I get back, I'll get her out of it again.
I have sucessfully stopped my mom and the rest of the family who is soooo insisting that I give Rayhana air suam after every meal to avoid "sawan susu" or whatever they call it after printing a medical article from Johns Hopkin's University research center (this is one medical research university that you should pay attention to.. other than Mayo Clinic).
So now I need articles to ban this buai spring in my house... hahaha
I'm happy to say that Rayhana now is 100% on Ja's milk. No formula whatsoever.. hopes this last for at least 3 more months. I'm pressuring Ja.. paksa tak kasi chan punya so that she squeezes her breast till there's nothing else to squeeze or pump. Ja kata I ingat dia lembu ke apa.. hahaha... Rayyan had formula since day 1 and breast feeding stopped totally after 3-4 months...
But I already bought formula for Rayhana just in case the juices dry out.
Posted by shake at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Rayyan's First Day at Genius Aulad
That's him getting ready with his bag. It's his first day of a "real" kindie. According to Genius Aulad, technically they are a TADIKA chain but since they don't occupy a landed area, they can't apply for the status. I don't care, as long as they teach my son good. Rayyan calls Genius Aulad his "Uniform School", since his last daycare school (Salsabilla) doesn't require any uniforms... and one strange thing he mentioned the other day... he likes Genius Aulad VERY MUCH.. and he didn't like Salsabilla because there were "bad teachers"... (hmm...??!!)
Anyway.. I was at work in the morning... I rushed to the Giant to buy his backpack and stationery.. hehe last minute punya kerja.. and of course bought him his lunch at Chicken Rice Shop so he can have his meal before school. Schol starts at 1.30pm and they only provide snacks during their break.
Sampai je sekolah we were actually early... Felishia followed us.. Ja was at work... so ramai la mak-mak and I think there were 1-2 bapaks.. I saw one even brought their DSLR camera.. haha nak amik gambar anak diorang masuk sekolah...
That's him.. in front of his class... 5 Ibnu Khaldun... have not googled the name yet to know who he really was.. though that name is very familiar... there are 18 students in a class. Morning session ada 1 class for 4yo, 2 classes for 5yo, and 1 class for 6yo. Petang pulak 1 class for each age group. All full.. 18 orang each class. There's another "Rayyan" in that school.. but not sure which class.. but the rest of the kids.. nama canggih canggih canggih.. parents nowadays are outrageously creative.. hehe just imagine how you would use the letter "X" in a Malay name.. haha
Since we were earl, Rayyan got to choose his seat. At first he wanted to sit right in front of the white board. After his teacher told him that that's her seat, he chose the seat in front of the teacher's place... hahaha.. that's a good attitude.. hehe.. hopefully I'll nurture him to be the next peng-aircon cikgu-cikgi.. hehe..
One of the things I like about this school is that... just look at the computers they have... that's 4 times more than what Salsabilla had and Salsabilla had almost 2 times more students! They have computer sessions for all their subjects... Math & Science, English, Bahasa Melayu and Agama.. it's an English medium center.. so everything's in English.. even the instructions to learn Malay.. haha.. depends on the teacherlaaa..
The first day of class, Rayyan told me that they played decorating the Christmas tree and Santa Claus on the computer... (hmm... I find that interesting for a "sekolah agama" that is sooo open to other religions and cultures... GOOD!)
That's their dining area up there. The first day of class was last Wednesday, 'coz they wanted to have 3 days of orientation.. W, Th, Fr. Yang bebalnya I ni.. I didn't realize that during the orientation period school ends at 3.30pm and not 4.30pm which is their normal time. The notice was posted all around the center.. I thought it was a notice telling parents that the three days was for orientation only.. didn't border to actually look at the time they finish which was clearly printed there! So.. on the first day I was 1 hour LATE! At least I'm not the only bebal parent there.... hahaha ada la 1-2 lagi... hehehe
Overall Rayyan REALLY likes his school. He has made his first friend already on the 3rd day.. nama dia Danish something.. cute boy.. kecik je.. longhair.. nampak macam girl pun ada.. haha Rayyan told me that he asked Danish if he was a girl or a boy... and Danish replied, boy... haha... Yesterday Rayyan told me that Danish didn't come to school.. so dia takdela kawan yang dia ingat nama.. but he had fun at school nevertheless...
The other day when I sent him to school, he said.."Papa, thank you for sending me to my uniform school..." Alhamdulillahhhhh....
He has started his reading with the Peter and Jane book. He got a "star" at the bottom of the first page. He also got stars on other arts and crafts work h did over the past week... you knowlaa kindies.. so generous with stars... and Rayyan pulak... "look Papa.. I got a star.. now you got to buy me presents!"
Posted by shake at 10:13 AM 8 comments
Monday, January 05, 2009
Paintball at Padang Astaka
This was quite some time ago. My cousins were planning for this paintball match amongst themselves. They asked me to join in but I had something else planned on that day. So the least we could do is to go there and see them have fun for a little while at Padang Astaka, PJ.
They have quite a good paintball facility there. Very well-trained staff who provided excellent service before and while playing the game. It's definitely not for kids... so Rayyan datang tengok je laa... cian dia...
After the instructor taught how to use the equipment, those who are playing got into their gear while Rayyan watched from the back...
One group photo before the match...
Rayhana was there too... sleeping...
On our way back, Rayyan keeps on saying "I can't wait to grow bigger so I can play paintball next time!"... cian dia.. he really wanted to play... so what did I say? "That's why you have to sleep early and wake up early so you'll grow bigger and taller... then you can play paintball with the uncles and aunties... hehehe
Maybe next time I'll join them and play.. it's only RM100 for 200 pallettes (those tiny paintballs) per person. The way they played the other day, that lasted a good 3 hours!
Posted by shake at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Raya Haji in Kelantan Part 1
Happy New Year!! I've been wanting to blog on this loong time ago... since we spent about 1 week in Kelantan to finish off Ja's confinement holidays (which ended on the 2nd day of Raya Haji), lots of things happening and loads of stories to tell... so kita buat cerita bersiri lah ye... :)
We start from the trip to go there... on Malaysia Airlines (fuh kaya giler ke kitorang naik MAS nih? Sampai Air Asia tak pandang dah.... hehehe).. nanti I story...
It has been ages since we last flew back to KB. The reason?? Bad turbulence!!! Berderau giler darah me and Ja during our last flight few years ago.... si Rayyan ok je... although I sensed some worriness in his smile... but alhamdulillah the Air Asia flight selamat mendarat dengan terbulent-nya... and that was masa bulan 11-12 macam tu... musim tengkujuh...
So, this time, since it's also musim tengkujuh, looking at the trend few days before we made the booking, we chose to fly there in the morning (less chance of rain), and coming back early afternoon... we checked MAS and Air Asia fares... about RM300+ difference... since we had a bad experience the last time (although not totally Air Asia's fault)... we opted for MAS... lagipun flight tickets disponsor oleh keuntungan jualan kuih raya... (http://kuihraya.wordpress.com) hehe cost already factored in.. haha
That's Rayyan pretending to be his own airplane... we came quite early... one thing I hate is chaotic run to the gates... so I made sure we arrive early so we can have breakfast, anxiety trips to the toilet, and walk to the gate in peace...
hehe orang lain pun tak sampai lagi...
Rayhana pun tido... so we had a little bit of fun while Mama went to the loo... hehe..
People have started to come...
but kapal terbang tak habis isi minyak lagi... but once when we got on the plane, terus pakai seat belt... Rayyan pulak duduk je.. terus asked for airplane food (fresh from his European experience).. haha he insisted on not eating so much at the airport 'coz he wanted to eat "aeroplane food"...
Rayhana was still sleeping... in fact, she slept throughout her first airplane ride...
about an hour later, we arrived safely... no turbulence whatsoever...
yeay! and YES!! says Rayhana... sampai terkena hidung abang dia... hehe
eh.. mana Papa?
tu diaaaaa..... penat siot!!!
Posted by shake at 8:21 PM 3 comments