Thursday, April 09, 2009

Animal Farm Morning

Ja just sent Rayyan to school this morning at 7.30am. The bus leaves at 8am.

The preparation for the trip started yesterday. Right after picking him up from school, I searched for his white t-shirts, track pants, and socks to put inside his bag pack. Seksa jugak nak mencari white t-shirts... last-last the trusty t-shirts and track pants bought from Tesco last year were the obvious choice.

Rayyan remembered specifically what his teacher asked him to bring. "Teacher said to bring 2 white shirts, pants, water for me to drink, and 2 plastics for me to muntah. And teacher asked me to have my breakfast before I come to school."

Leaving the house at 7.30am meant that he had to sleep early last night. But no... he couldn't sleep. He kept saying he didn't want to sleep takut nanti he dreams. He used to mention to me before that the reason he wakes up late at times was because he dreams in his sleep. Pasaltu dia takut nak tido and mimpi kot.. so he wanted to stay up till the next morning.

Of course, I said no. I turned off the TV and DVD player in the room and forced him to sleep. By then it was already midnight.

This morning, surprisingly, it was easy to wake him up. He was all psyched up for his trip. It was all he has been talking about this past week. Me too, had him count down the days to build up the excitement. He was excited that he gets the chance to milk the cow.

"You hold the cow's breast and you do like this so the milk comes out, and then you drink it!" he said yesterday when I picked him up from school. I said NO! You have to cook the milk first, so that all the germs will die. Then, it's safe for you to drink it.

"Ok, after we cook the milk and the WORMS die, then we can drink the milk." hahaha.. then I corrected him.. not WORMS but GERMS... they are tiny, you can't see it. He said "we can use the magnifying glass". I said no, it's soo tiny you can't even see them with the magnifying glass. You need a microscope. He said... "Microscope? Where can I get that?" (hmmm is it time for me to get to Toys R Us and get one for him? hmm....). then I said, microscope is not for kids. It's expensive, only adults can use it. He said, "Only adults? Kids can't use it?".. I confirmed.. YEAH! :)

So that's a brief scientific knowledge he got yesterday in the car coming home from school... haha masa kat rumah.. he remembered what I said. This morning pun he remembered that we need to cook the cow's milk first to kill the germs before it is safe for us to drink it.

Not only he remembered that. He also reminded us while we were preparing last minute stuff for his bag pack: "white shirts, water, and 2 plastics". Got him a hat to wear.. too sayang to have him wear the San Marino cap I bought him, so got him some old cap from the laundry basket.

Of course, nenek dia pesan suruh jumpa dia dulu before he went to her room. Nenek baru habis sembahyang... as usual Nenek would recite some doa together with him.. this time he says.. "FASTER!" hahaha...

So off he went with Ja to school. Gave Ja the camera to take pictures of him going on the bus. (2 buses for the whole school!). I asked him to get his teachers snap lots of pics and give them to me.

I'll pick him up at 12 later today.


Nana said...

wah teacher dia sanggup ke tangkapkan gambar for you?? entah2 all the parents did that and the teacher end up having to carry 20 cameras hehehehhe!

shake said...

taklah.. I meant I asked Rayyan to ask the teacher snap a lot of pictures using their camera laa.. hehe hmm... tak terpikir pulak nak pinjamkan camera to them.. good idea!

Will try for their next trip. Last year they all went to meet the angkasawan...of course masa tu the Kelana Jaya tak exist lagi.. hope this year there are more trips for them..