Friday, April 03, 2009

Rayyan Milking Cows

...well... not yet.

Genius Aulad is organizing trips to the Animal Farm at UPM since April's theme is animals. So each Genius Aulad center will be bringing their kids and teachers there in batches. The Kelana Jaya center will be going on April 9th... next Thursday, at 8.00am... taking the bus and will be back by noon. So no class on that day.

Among the agenda is going to the cow and milk them.. hehe that was what I was told by Rayyan... the way he explained how he would milk the cow.. must have learned it from his teacher...

Went to Genius Aulad to pay his April fees just now plus the extra RM35 for the UPM trip. Had a chat with his English teacher... Teacher Ruby. Nice teacher. In fact, realizing the fact that not many Malaysian kindie teachers are good in English, what this center does is that they hire a good one like Teacher Ruby, and make her specialize in that subject and teach ONLY English in all classes at Genius Aulad.

Subject lain pun diorang teach in English.. by other teachers.. but for English Language subject, a specialized teacher takes over. Good move.

Teacher Ruby said that Rayyan is VERY talkative in class. He would talk and respond about anything because his command of English is better compared to the rest of his class... yang lain senyap sikit 'coz they can't communicate as well as him. Good for Rayyan.

Rayyan's weakness - his writing. Still tak cantik lagi. So need to practice on that. She mentioned that si Rayyan ni nak cepat habiskan kerja.. so his writing tunggang langgang.

Genius Aulad has their own Report Card day sometime in May so parents can get a better understanding of their kid's progress with all the teachers there.

Looking forward to that!