Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spooky office

I've heard people talking about it. I've sensed something before. But last night (no I didn't see anything, thank God!) almost made me pack my stuff and go home right away... hehe

I was at work late night starting from 9.15pm.. busy la this whole month with the KL Book Fair, and planning to market my products, etc...

Anyway, things were okay till about after midnight... I hear some sheets of paper falling, clips/pins dropping, some plates/saucers as if cicak tengah racing through them... doors squeeking, etc...

I was too busy and tired and sleepy to actually investigate what those actually were and what caused those noises... so sambungla kerja...

I sorta finished what I wanted to do for the night by 3am. Packed my stuff, walked out.. tengok takde benda pun yang jatuh-jatuh... locked up and went to the lift.

Kat office ni bila malam, only 1 out of the 4 lifts is working. So had to wait for the lift to go up from B3 all the way to 5. When the door opened, I went in, pressed G, and the door tak tutup, as if there were more people coming in together with me... hehe.. scary pun ada jugak.. but then again.. was too tired and sleepy to be scared.. haha

Had to do my stuff at the office 'coz I can't really focus at home. Lots of stuff to do... and when I'm at home, I'll just sleep my way through...


SF said...


shake said...
