Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bakun Dam!

As I was struggling to find ways to ensure the cash continuously flows to pay the bills, I received a call from an ex-colleague who is into this virtual reality thing - developing the application, I mean.

Can't reveal details about it yet.. just these words...

Bakun Dam - virtual reality application content development - 2 to 3 weeks in the woods of Sarawak - fully paid trip - puasa month - howla?


Nana said...

ala puasa kat malaysia tak teruk sangat! besides you get fresh meat and fish in the woods of sarawak what! hehehe! what an adventure!!!!

That would pay for your jet-setter's life style ahaks!!!! :D rezeki jangan di tolak ;D

shake said...

hahaha I was actually promised that the camp that we're gonna be settled at has access to clean water and ASTRO! hahahaha

yang keberatan nak gi tu sebab the kuih raya business is picking up like crazy and during that period yang gila babi sebok... I probably need to gajikan my brother to help out full time this time.. hehe

tulaa.. rezeki jangan ditolak... but still have to wait for my friend to come back from Frankfurt to discuss details of the project.. and how I would put a tag to the value of my service this time.. :)