Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Daniel & Alex - Narissa's boys

Narissa, a friend who has been living in the US since graduation is in Malaysia. She married to a local (Brian) and they are blessed with two boys - Daniel (8 yo) & Alex (4 yo).

Me, Ja, Rayyan, Rayhana, Anaz, & Wa met up with Narissa and the boys last night over dinner at Suria KLCC foodcourt.

Rayyan got along well with the boys playing with Anaz's and Ja's iphones.

Didn't take many pictures. I believe Wa took plenty! (and videos some more!!)

Rayhana was reckless... sebok nak "galan-galan" (jalan-jalan) all over the place...

It was a fun night being able to chat with Narissa again since we last met before she had kids.. hehe...


Nana said...

ahhhh again! banyak nye I missed out! really miss all of you! bila nak datang sini lagi wei!!!! Miss everyone LOADS!!