Friday, July 09, 2010

It's Gonna be a LOONG Month!

A lot is happening in July. Rayyan's birthday was on the 1st. Fizrul's birthday was on the 5th.

The Kuih Raya business opens up to the public again for the 4th year in a row and we've been receiving orders like crazy. Kalau lama-lama macamni memang kena hire orang just to entertain orders.. hehe alhamdulillah...

Tonight one of my cousins, Siti, is getting engaged in Shah Alam. I'm very happy for Uncle mamat & Auntie Ani and family.

Yesterday I went to a venture capital briefing/coaching session to see if my business is worthy of attracting VC's to invest in and how tedious the work would be and how involved they would be if they decide to come in. Got the slides for me to study how I can actually tailor-made any business to fit VC's criteria.

Next week there is the VC pitching event where identified companies would pitch their business to the 20 VCs (regional and local). It was decided yesterday that I'm not ready for this session yet. But I would probably go to just feel how the atmosphere is like.

July 23rd, 24th, 31st is going to be Felishia's wedding. So we're pretty pysched about that, especially for Rayyan & Rayhana who would be two of the flower petal mess maker on the red carpet... hahaha looking forward to that. And probably I would be making the thank you speech since my dad is not into public speaking at all hahahaha...

Jaafar Onn will be the MC for 23rd event (hehehe this is interesting... he's one of my mom's friends). And Chuari Selamat for the 24th event.

And after all that July madness, insyaAllah I will be flying out to Melbourne, Australia. :)


Nana said...

ooooo busy busy busy!!! wahhh nanti sure meriah masa kahwin tu kan? sigh!!! banyak nye weddings yang I miss! sigh!! NAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKK BBBBBAAAAAALIIIIIIIIKKK!!!! *sob* *sob*

shake said...

hahahaha.. actually the longer you're in UK, the more times we can visit you there! hahahha

Nana said...

isk! ok ok .. next year better datang tau!!! hahahaha!!! eh next year kita buat road trip mau?? drive to Amsterdam and Brussels? ada mau??????

shake said...

wah banyaknya ongkos nak pakai... ongkos ada boleh jalan.. ongkos takde boleh blah... hahahaha

Nana said...

hahahah habis dah jadi jet setter .. travel sana sini .. mana nak ada ongkos banyak. Tempat lain tu tunggu I dah balik Malaysia lah baru gi heheheh