Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mak Nenek

Lagi sebulan setengah nak masuk 2 tahun... tapi mulut.. masyaAllaaahh... macam mak nenek!! :)

Nasib baik la belum tahap berleter-leter... but the comments that come out from her mouth.. hehe kita tengah naik darah nak marah pun boleh bertukar jadi senyum...

She loves following what Rayyan does. She is known as the tape recorder/player... asyik ulang balik apa yang Rayyan or anybody cakap...

Alhamdulillah since the age gap is about 4 years, Rayhana learns a lot faster by following whatever Rayyan does..

She's already counting up 1-20, counting down 10 to zero, baca doa makan sendiri, baca doa naik kenderaan with little help, etc..

Her favorite thing to do is menulis... just give her a pen and a paper and she will be occupied for some time... and yup, for the time being she can still scribble with both hands.. we still couldn't figure out if she's truly right-handed or a lefty..

Sekarang ni budak ni tengah wheezing... last week went to see Dr Azizi. Baru habis prednisolone course, so continue lagi with clarytine and antamin and the antibiotic. The batuk still ada phlegmy sound lagi... hingus dah nak berenti dah.. demam takde so far alhamdulillah...