Monday, August 23, 2010


Rayyan's 2 front teeth dah longgar punyala lama.. nak dekat sebulan ke dua bulan dah... tak jatuh-jatuh jugak... so last Friday, si Felishia & Afnan tried to play around with one of the teeth, trying to longgar-longgarkan lagi so boleh cabut... punya lama sampai nak dekat pukul 2 pagi, tak cabut-cabut jugak.. at that time I was repacking some kuih raya..

When I was done, I went to them and tried being a dentist pulak.. while Felishia & Afnan pegang si Rayyan, ngangakan dia, I tried to remove the tooth from the gum as slowly as possible... kalau ikutkan hati nak sentap je.. hehe

So dipendekkan cerita, gigi tu tercabutlah di tangan saya....

And then, on Saturday, at the Residence Hotel buka puasa thingy, he was playing around with his cousins when one of them suddenly tertumbuk muka dia.. hahaha terus gigi yang lagu satu longgar gila2 sampai Rayyan sendiri boleh tarik and cabut...

So there you go... 2 teeth in 2 days...



Nana said...

bwaahahahhaahhaah boleh jadi qualified dentist lah lepas ni! bwahahahaha!!!

shake said...
