Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Selamat Berpuasa...

Selamat berpuasa to all... last night was Rayyan's first "terawih" experience. Not too bad.. baru lepas Isyak dah mengantuk gila2. His eyes were closed while leaning on the glass door... pastu tetiba bila dah start nak sembahyang terawih, dia segar balik.. although right after every 2 rakaats he kept asking "how many more rakaats after this?"

The Upin & Ipin influence truly helped him go through the whole terawih experience.. kalau tak, lepas Isyak tu dia dah nak ajak balik dah... I kept saying that Upin & Ipin can do it.. so can he! lol!

After terawih, while walking home from the mosque his Atok suggested him to write about his first terawih experience (10.08.10) on his computer... which gave me an idea to probably let him start his own entry in this blog soon..

Pagi tadi was his first "sahur" experience with the intention to puasa.. Upin & Ipin puasa, so dia mestila puasa kan?

Ni dia aksi-aksi Rayyan bersahur... :)


Nana said...

hahah cutenye! Zafier susah gila nak bangun! I have to wake him up 1/2 hour earlier before he starts to makan :( susah siot! So penat!

shake said...

hehehe Rayyan pun memang susah nak bangun.. pastu dah bangun dia tutup mata.. all the way to meja makan and sambil makan.. pasal silau... hehe so terpaksala hujung hall yang tak berlampu.. hehe

Ja pulak tengah time tak boleh puasa.. elok je since the day before puasa.. so dia tak bangun sahur.. penat berjaga malam handle business kuihraya hehe