It's 3am and I still can't sleep.. actually slept petang tadi and only woke up around 10pm or so.. and not only that... the kids are also up.. watching Charlie & the Chocolate Factory... I dug up the old DVD and Rayyan and Rayhana love it and have been watching it over and over again for a few days now... Ja? seperti biasa... tido.. she's working tomorrow..
Several heated discussions are going on among my MRSM friends on FB and I feel it's worth mentioning here so bolehla lain kali kita suruh tailor kita ukur kain cukup-cukup untuk badan kita, jangan terlebih, jangan terkurang... and make sure we know our own measurements :)
It started of with a friend's honest posting of Hitler's quote something about he didn't kill all the Jews. He left some alive so other people will know who they actually are so we can find the answer to see why he killed them.
A few of us posted some light remarks on the quote when suddenly this friend of ours, who is now a specialist doctor based in Ireland, whom we knew as one of those typical rich PJ partygoer brat (basically tak alim la.. hehe), commented, lashing out at all of us with all this preaching about the true teachings of Islam, saying it's wrong to kill Jews as not all of them are Zionists, etc... just like orang yang tak pernah buat dosa...
Okay he made a point. But somehow the point was overshadowed by the way he made his point. He belittled everyone there, especially a couple of our own friends, saying words and phrases like "low mentality", "verbal diarrhea coming from a 10 year old child mentality", labelling our friend as a "scumbag with epic low mentality" and how he can't imagine us being friends with this "low life scumbag", "you don't challenge me because you never win, and even if you do, I can make you feel so low that you wish you never even born", etc...
We've had similar problem with this Dr before on FB. Preaching in similar manner on different topics... it seems nothing is positive coming out of him, suggesting what a sad life he pretty much had since we last seen each other 20 years ago. Some even joked that becoming a doctor was too much for his brain to handle that he just snapped! Putus segala wayar2 dalam otak.. lol!
The person whom that particular Dr attacked in his comments was his classmate, together with me masa kat MRSM, and at that time, that Dr. takdela terror mana pun. Nak banding dengan me and that friend he was hurting tu.. kitorang berdua ni jauh "terror" daripada dia... it's just that he goes to become a doctor, and we both chose engineering.
Which comes to an interesting argument on the level of intelligence that the doctors we have in our country. Are they living up to the trust that we have on them to save our lives?
I had an interesting discussion with another MRSM friend who is an Associate Proffessor in Chemistry at UPM few months ago. She was one of those high flyers masa kat MRSM, together with my friend yang kena kutuk kat FB tu and ehem ehem.. to a lesser extent me.. haha. When we looked back at the doctors that we have now, it's funny that many of them are not that terror masa studies. We have about 20 or 30 medical doctors probably more that came out from our MRSM alone and most of them were not that excellent in their studies.. not straight A's, not even straight B's, in fact. But since diorang ni from MRSM, mungkinla standard tinggi sikit.. but then again, we questioned at how easy it was for these people to become doctors now, specialists even.
I kata kat my professor friend tu, biarla diorang tu, probably they've changed, and kalau nak banding dgn kita ni, at least they learned more on this doctor/medical stuff than us, so it makes them more trustworthy when it comes to medical stuff.. but my friend and me concluded that pasal tu la banyak doctor yang bagi prescription salah.. haha we can do better if we ourselves do some internet research and check our findings with experienced specialists... which I always do with the doctors I've been in contact with since I have my own family to take care of.
(jap... nak kena buat susu for Rayhana.. apa nak jadi anak2 aku ni dah nak pukul 4 pagi tak tido2 ni... hehe)
Ok now, coming back to that "arrogant" specialist friend of ours, it's sad that he has regarded himself as a superior human being, taking pride on being able to heal and save people's lives and kutuk sekutuk-kutuknya, merendah-rendah orang-orang lain yang bukan doctor (termasukla member aku yang jadi Senior Systems Engineer, now about to work with IBM in Melbourne)... that made all of us look like pariahs in his caste system. Not the slightest sense of humility came out of him at all... no jokes, no fun, just "verbal diarrhea" of condemnation... :)
sedih... kalau macamnila cara seorang doktor pakar "terpelajar" beragama Islam menyebarkan dakwah, macamanala orang lain pandang kat kita ni "orang-orang Islam bawahan".... na'uzubillah...