Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The 40+ degC Scare

Just when I thought her fever dah baik, it went worse on Sunday. Temperature went up 38.8C, so I just gave PCM syrup, hoping that it would go down... but within 1/2 hr it shot up to 39.4C. Apa lagi, I inserted the Voltaren sup up her butt. The temperature went down a little bit, and then up again.. and after 5 hours, it went all the way to 39.2 or something... so since I just gave her the Voltaren 5 hours before, I just gave her PCM syrup and get Ja to mandikan Rayhana... managed to get the temperature down to 38 something.... then tak sampai sejam pastu the temperature rose to 40.1C

None of my kids has a 40+ degC before this. We always made sure that we keep the temperature below 40 all the time. But this time, teruk betul... and since she has been having fever for 4 days already, it's about time we went to the A&E at DSH to get the blood test and the H1N1 test. Ja was reluctant sebab kesian kat budak kecik tu. For me, it's better to get everything tested so kepala otak ni tenteram.

So, we went at around 11pm or so, did the blood test, -ve for Dengue. Her chest is clear, no wheezing. So next, had to do the H1N1 test. But the result will only be out petang esoknya. Yesterday, the result came out -ve for H1N1. Alhamdulillaaaaah... so it's the usual viral fever.. plus coughing and selsema...

The whole night last night and now, Rayhana is free of any sort of fever medication... yup.. she is already fever-free!! Has been fever-free for more than 12 hours now.

Hope she stays that way so we can just treat her cough/selsema/blocked nose next...


Nana said...

isk! hari tu sembang dengan ya memang dia kata quite bad gaks .. isk! why lah kat malaysia teruk sangat! you dont hear so much about it here .. hmmm makes me wonder .. is the gov covering it all up?

shake said...

it's actually the season.. memang sekarang season flu.. Malaysia still keeps track of H1N1 cases and reports it in the media, unlike other countries though. That's why you hear a lot of cases happening here. Probably since H1N1 is just like any other flu strain that just needs a little bit extra care on our part.