Monday, June 07, 2010

5-day Daddy Day Care

Today it officially starts.... me having to take care of Rayhana as the nursery closes this one whole week due to cuti sekolah. Rayyan bila cuti I tak kisah sangat... he is independent.. lagipun I paid for his Genius Aulad 3-day "Finding Nemo Adventure" holiday program.. 2 hours a day.

Yesterday we went to Bangsar Village and signed Rayyan up for a 5-day iCamp at Children's Technology Workshop. The 3hr/day class starts this afternoon at 2.30pm. So after Genius Aulad finishes at 10.30am, I'll pick him up, balik rumah, rest, main, makan, salin, and off to Bangsar.

What is Children's Technology Workshop?

Basically that place uses Lego to get the kids become little engineers, learning how to make stuff using Lego pieces, motors, hydraulics, etc and see it to work mechanically... and since Rayyan loves to invent stuffs... might as well get him to do something more fun... daripada dok menghabiskan selotape and masking tape, and lose all my scissors at home... :)

There is a promotion for the iCamp... kalau dah register for 1 kid, the kid gets to bring a friend for free.. so we get Sharat (Rayyan's cousin) to come as well.. but he will be joining the 4-5 yo class although he's only 3. Rayyan will be going to the 6-14 class.