Friday, November 14, 2008

Rayyan and Linguistic Intelligence

Linguistic intelligence is all about how smart your kids are with words and language. How well they communicate with others, how well they express themselves, articulate their ideas and relaying one's message to others.

Kids are smart. They can communicate in however ways they are comfortable with. If they don't know how to read, it doesn't mean they do not have linguistic intelligence.

Kids grow up with their surroundings. Whatever they see and hear, they will imitate. If you swear and curse, don't be angry at them if they do too. I'm sure you guys are aware that every time you scold your kids you tend to sound like either one of your parents... or maybe both!

I owe Rayyan's ability to communicate in English to Astro's Disney Channel 613. I always say to Ja that I want Rayyan to be able to speak Malay first and have a somewhat strong basic in it before starting to converse with him in English.

Of course TV took control, and I'm glad it did! hahaha Rayyan started to communicate with us in English. We were surprised and gladly play along so that he won't feel awkward speaking the language at home. So now he knows both language rather well.. although his Malay pronunciation is somewhat Matsalleh celup sikit... haha

And the stuff he learns from TV.. absolutely wonderful! Thank God people have started to make good programs for kids! He was just telling me about Spring, Winter, Summer, and Autumn. He knows all these things.. and he knows what a planet is, Mars - being the red planet etc, outer space, etc... I asked him where did he learn all these.... Little Einstein! There you go, the ability to explain what he knows about all these, and the ability to answer questions posed to them.. another sign of linguistic intelligence.

The above video was taken long ago when Ja was still pregnant with Rayhana. I prepared the Malay syllables according to the Bacalah Sayang books we published. Pasted the A4 papers on the wall in our room. Lantaklaa anak punya pasal bilik tak kemas pun lantaklaaa.. at least that's the last thing he sees at night and the first thing he sees in the morning.... the ideal set-up for absorption of knowledge.. hehe

Although linguistic intelligence is not so much about the ability to read, but it is that skill that would take that intelligence level further up. If you don't know how to read, camna nak belajar? haha.. but sometimes parents do get carried away cakap anak dia bodoh lagi sebab tak pandai baca... no such thing as bodoh... "stupid is as stupid does".. hehehe you don't need to know how to read to be able to communicate well.... Nabi Muhammad was intelligent.. and he didn't know how to read!