Thursday, November 06, 2008

What I did to my son before Raya

I balded his head. 2 weeks before Raya. It was Saturday morning. My dad was unhappy. My mom was sort of mad. Ja who came home from work in the afternoon thought there's another kid in the house. Lagi 2 minggu nak Raya and Rayyan looked so not him hahaha. He never looked good with short hair, let alone bald!

Rayyan's hair was in dire need of a cut. Panjang sampai masuk2 mata. Rimas orang tengok. Usually I would use the scissors. Ntah macamana I couldn't find one that day. So I used the trimmer and set at No.4 (that would leave about at least an inch of hair). All was well when it was 90% completed.

Then it came the trimmings of the side burn. I took out the No.4, and trimmed the sides. Suddenly tertrim lebih la pulak. Terbotak area sebelah atas telinga dia. Then I tried to make it even on the other side. Jadi gonjeng pulak. So had no choice but to teruskanlah proses pembotakan rambut si Rayyan ni. But then tak even la pulak. I never had the experience botakkan kepala sesapa.

So Atok came to the rescue. He finished it off for me. Pity the boy. As I brought him to wash up, he looked himself in the mirror and slowly said... "I need my hair..." :( sambil dia usap-usap kepala dia yang botak tu.

But he's a good sport. Untuk menyedapkan hati dia.. tiba-tiba je dia kata.. "Papa, my hair is stylish!" chewah budak ni.. ntah mana dia belajar perkataan tu pun I don't know...

We actually had an invitation to buka puasa at Dewan Perdana Felda by Felishia's bf's family. So dengan botak-botak tu la si Rayyan pergi berbuka puasa with all of us.

The food was great! Literally 101 types of food, including 2 racks of lamb.

Bila dah almost habis time berbuka.. about 11pm, orang pun dah takde, we were the last ones there, Rayyan actually helped the waiters kumpul botol-botol mineral water kosong and buang dalam plastik sampah diorang... hahaha and he was happy doing it!

At one time he actually had 7 bottles with him. Yang lawaknya bila dia lari tergedek-gedek pi cari botol and kumpul, panjat meja and give to the waiters, and then lari tergedek-gedek lagi dengan kepala botak dia... haha lawak gila...

Now, occasionally, he would say.. "Papa, see my hair is growing!!"

When I ask if he wants to cut his hair again... he said.. NO!