Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Friday of Primary School


On Fridays, Rayyan has Math, PE, Art, BM, and Arabic... no English, which means his class teacher does not come to class at all on Fridays... but I did check that she actually went last Friday... probably to check on attendance, etc..

So that Friday Rayyan was already prepared for PE from home, although his PE is during 3rd period, and he wore that PE attire the whole time on Friday... takyah bawak baju uniform sekolah langsung....

Friday was kinda tight for me... kul 12.05 nak amik dia, then nak ready gi Friday prayers, lunch, then nak gi office, pastu nak kena amik Rayyan balik to send him to Yamaha for piano at 5.00pm and I have to spend half an hour together with him in his piano class...

Pastu it's natural for me to pick up Rayhana sebab Rayhana's nursery dah dekat sangat... just beberapa kangkang kera from Yamaha.. well.. takle dekat sangat pun.. kera tu pun mungkin penat kut dok mengangkang all the way to Rayhana's school... hehe but less than 5 mins away...

By today, Rayyan received lots of forms for various clubs that are open for registration at school... Taekwondo has started, then they have...

1. Speech and Drama
2. Wushu/Kung-fu (interesting but it's right after school on Fridays.. no-no..)
3. Chinese Drums & Dragon Dance (Rayyan so wanted to join but clashes with Speech & Drama.. murah je.. RM20/mth, 1.5 hrs a week.. sayang.. probably try next yearlah..)
4. Art club (nak join but it's right after school on Fridays, clashes with Kungfu.. again, no-no...)
5. Mental Arithmetic class

hmm.. probably ada lagi kot.. lupa pulak... from the list, only Art Club is run in-house by the school teachers... yang lain tu semua run by private companies...