Thursday, January 06, 2011

Taekwondo and such...

So just now Rayyan had his first Taekwondo class at school.. not too bad.. he enjoyed it so much..

Then, there's this Drama and Speech Class that he wants to join too... it's a privately run club.. to be held at the school every week right after school hours.. kinda cool coz this club is run by Blubricks..

There is also the Wushu/Kungfu Club.. and the Pendidikan Seni Club that is opening for registration.. but these 2 clubs are on Fridays during just before the Friday prayer starts.. so maybe next time..

Still waiting for the Robotics club to open for Year 1 kids.. that should be fun!

So with all these interesting clubs come into action, I may have to relook at Rayyan's overall schedule.. He already has Kumon for Math & English, Piano at Yamaha, Taekwondo at school, and soon to be Speech & Drama class... hmm... ada banyak lagi club tak bagi form lagi ni...

Since he wants to join the speech & drama class, I may have to stop the English class at Kumon.. Math class maintain... another reason for it is that he lacks the enthusiasm in doing the Kumon English homework... tulisan macam cakar ayam, ejaan pun tulis ayat tak complete... because he knows (he confessed) that the teacher will point to those mistakes and he will do the "corrections" then...

It has been a busy week for me with Rayyan starting Year 1... penat sampai kita pun tido macam budak nak gi sekolah besok pagi.. hehe